You name it, it will interest me at least once.I love to travel the world and would love to go anywhere I haven't been and at least a few places that I have. I'd love to go everywhere in the world before I die, but it seems like work just gets in the way of that dream. I guess it's a means to an end.I'm fascinated by people and feel that everyone has something to teach you. People spend way too much time talking and never enough time lsitening.And of course, I love Florida State football!!!!
Andrea Ehresman --
A dance involving little to no clothing
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Lenny Kravitz, Hilary Clinton, Unsinkable Molly Brown, Thomas Edison, Cokie Roberts, Madonna, Will Smith
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I love most music!! I'm enjoying being in Denver where there is a much larger music scene than I would have ever guessed!!Lenny Kravitz, Madonna, Meese, Muse, Jimmy Eat World, I Hate Kate, Tickle Me Pink, Modest Mouse, Aretha Franklin, Beastie Men...I mean Beastie Boys, Better Than Ezra, Smashing Pumpkins, The Bravery, Maroon 5, The Cars, Counting Crows, Divinyls, The Fray, Finger11, Jet, Indigo Girls, Live, Nas, Kanye, OK GO, Stevie Ray Vaughan...
Breakfast at Tiffany's, Clerks, Mall Rats, Freddy Got Fingered, Office Space, Clerks II...
Grey's Anatomy, The Office (British and American), Desperate Housewives, Big Love, Sex and the City, So Graham Norton, Chapelle Show, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, Ali G Show (pre much better), Weeds, Dexter, Tudors!! Thank goodness for less sensorship on cable!!
Anything about marketing and consumer behavior!!!
My mom