My main interest is the sport of DARTS! i play 3 nights a week and i also represent my county in the Kaliber sponsored inter counties darts league. For more info visit or
There would be too many people to list, erm.... top of the list would have to be.....Keira Knightley - she is soooooo fyne!
I love all types of music, except shit like classical and really old stuff, some old stuff is ok. I listen to the worlds best radio station anyway (RADIO 1) so i get to hear the music i like all day while im at work.
Movies ... movies ... movies ... whats my favourite? erm, i'd probably have to say Donie Darko, its a legendary film, gets you thinking it takes about 10 watches to get your head around it!
Used to be lost, until now i cant watch it coz i keep on forgetting about it. Dont really watch a lot of tv now coz im normally out but when im in i make sure a put most haunted on.
prefer celebrations :)