Photography, cooking good vegetarian Japanese food, 1970s and 1980s Non-American cars, bike ride, gardening, tasting different kind of Potato Chips from all over the world, Sewing,snuggle with Jake, Miffy and Max. thinking about cars,personal finance,"LOST" night with friends, Demo Derby
Laura Miller (I actually met her the other day...) Ira Glass (I saw him recently...did not "meet" him though...) Rivers Cuomo(Oh, boy, this is as usual, nothing new in here)
Flipper's Guitar, Pink Lady, The Westward Trail, Kanda, Figurine, The Pastels, Mirah, The Io's, Orange Juice, Nena, The Jam, Saint Etienne, The Shins, King of Convenince, France Gall, Billy Idol, The Cars, The Galactic Heroes, Palomer, Dear Nora, Six Cents and Natalie, Gorillaz, Handel, Happy Supply, Lali Puna, Missy Elliott, The Candies (Japanese),Cheap trick,Plastic Mastery, The Postal Service, Death Cab, Ratatat, Stray Cats, Red Sleeping Beauty, The Rentals, De LA Soul, New Order, Duran Duran, Snoop, Monie Love, =W=, Hot Chip, Costelo, SlagsMalsklubben
All Wes Anderson movies, Spinal Tap, Young Frankenstine, documentary film.
I think I am more into Radio shows. NPR is always great!! I woke up with NPR! "This American life" is far more interesting than silly Reality TV. I watch LOST every Wednesday night and can't stop thinking about it for next 6 days.... sucks.
High Art Lite, Contex of Meaning, Color and Human Response, Spectral Evidence (The photography of Trauma), Bonus Magazine, Vice magazine, Haruki Murakami, Souseki Natsume, Kenji Miyazaki, J.D Salinger,Pooka, magazines, magazines, magazines and magazines.
Ira Glass