lots of pulp, nerding out, implosion, beating jess at scrabble, bumming u out, things that don't make sense, "are you gonna eat that?", snoregasms, discovery, attics, vocoder, save image to desktop, R.I.P.'ing, lamaze class, making noise, simplicity/complexity, reveling, rolling around, checking it out, rambling, medicating, eating cereal, the underdog, flashbacks, ramming speed, practitioners, forgetting, ego tripping, whovever invented hawaiian pizza, scalp massages, the upcoming harvest, moments of clarity,rolling dice, softcore porn, peanut butter, breakfast/lunch/dinner in bed, being overstimulated, falling asleep near the sounds of an ocean
mammals or amphibians, chloe sevigny, tina weymouth, otto, forward or backward thinkers, neverending nachos
Recent Faves
tmnt:secret of the ooze, three ninjas, jump off a building, video days, the ice storm, buffalo 66, slackers, anything by p.t. anderson-harmony korine-charlie kaufman, the movie about the bear that just walks around and stuff, how's your news, wild style, big, american graffitti, who framed roger rabbit, close encounters of the third kind, dead man, the red balloon, the fountain, the painted veil, TRON, or anything with a zombie in it
paid programming helps me sleep at night, tucked in bed so tight
unlikely by jeffrey brown, thrasher, edward gorey, any daniel pinkwater, choose your own adventure books, especially the one I made with ryan bosquet in 4th grade, it was so rad
Rip Van Winkle, whoever invented the bike, Bob Nastanovich, Mike Watt, Skeletor, anyone who can enjoy themselves, the guy who invented Mario Brothers, would it be lame to say Holden Caulfield?