Sports, outdoor activities, people, Primerica(Self Employment Opportunity)Art, History, Music, and Adventure.
Robin Williams- yer funny
Anything not Country. Heavy metal not so much. Christian Bands that aren't lame. Pasionate for oldies.
ZOMG too many. Top hits include Last Samurai, Sargeant York, Arsnic in old lace, Tommyboy, Swiss family robinson, Treasure Island, Resident Evil (all but 1st was best), Walk the line, Ray, Fox and the Hound, Where the red fern grows, and on and on. {Drool}
Smallvile, Seinfield, Friends, Unit, Boy meets world, Home improvement, Mcguyver, Heroes, Fraiser, and some more of those too.
Mostly Science Fiction, The Bible, and some do it yerself stuff.