Bass, Metal, Progressive, Photography, Pornography, Outdoor Activities (especially Mountain Climbing), Sports, Read, Eat, Sleep, having a big laugh with all my mates (Cheers Et Cetera's!) and lastly, big furry CATS! Purrrrrr..
macam2 org aku nk jumpe....baik yg baik mahupun yg tak baik! aku nk jumpe ngan org yg tak pernah aku jumpe,yg elok budi bahasa nye...budi bahasa budaya kite....aku nk jumpe org yg tak hipokrit! aku nk jumpe mak bapak aku...walaupun ari2 aku jumpe diorg tak pernah nyer puas!(poyo jer)
Top 5 aku skrg ni ialah.. Liquid Tension Experiment, Angra, Dream Theater, The Black Dahlia Murder & Archenemy (Burning Bridges & Stigmata only). Yg lain² will be updated soon..
da rest..coming soon!
Ape² mag yg ade informasi disertai dgn pornografi. Korang ade x? Nak pinjam bley?
just sit back n relax....i'll be rite back!