Timea profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I came to the US 8 years ago from Hungary. I got hired with Ringling Bros. Circus and traveled with them for three years. I met my husband on the circus! I was an acrobat, he was a clown, and there you have the old story of the acrobat and the clown falling in love... We left the circus in 2002 and moved to Orlando. I have been working in the theme parks and teaching kids gymnastics. I also work for the company called 2nd Nature Productions. I am a living fountain statue. I dance with the water to some beautiful Sarah Brightman songs. Check out www.thelivinggarden.com. I also perform on stilts as their character Divine. I love animals! I have one cat and two dogs. I love my friends! They are my family since the real one is in Hungary! I also have a beautiful daughter. Zoe was born July 20th 2007!
Made with the MyTheme myspace editor
This is me performing as the Fountain for 2nd Nature Productions Inc.

My Interests

circus, theater, dance, painting, art, movies, animals, cultures, languages. people, cooking, good food, chocolate, gummy bears, home design, crafts, friends... and many more


70-80-90's music. Moulin Rouge soundtrack, Enya, Deep Forest, Sarah Brightman, Sting,U2, Abba,Bare naked Ladies, Beatles,Latin music... As you can see it's a wide range. I like pretty much everything except techno, rap, and heavy rock


Moulin Rouge, My best friends wedding, My big Fat greek Wedding, Spanglish, Million Dollar Baby, Forrest Gump, Pirates of the Caribbean, Italian job, Harry Potter, Dirty Dancing, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pay it Forward, Patch Adams, The birdcage, Ever after, As good as it gets, 40 year old virgin, Bourne trilogy... Oh so many!! I like everything that is not horror.


Friends!!!! Best TV show ever! HEROES!!!! Awsome! Buffy, Angel, Kings of Queens, American Idol, Amazing Race,Dancing with the Stars, Grey's Anatomy


Harry Potter books,Da Vinci Code, the rest of them are Hungarian books... I won't go into that:)

My Blog

Baby Zoe Zimmerman

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let you know, that Zoe Claire Zimmerman was born July 20th. 7p 13oz and 20 inches. She is a beautiful healthy little girl! We are both doing well! Thanks Timi...
Posted by Timea on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 03:44:00 PST


Hello Everyone! Just letting you know that I am back from Hungary and brought a puppy back with me.  She is a "PULI". It is a hungarian shepherd breed. They grow up to have long curly hair or in ...
Posted by Timea on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 08:22:00 PST