circus, theater, dance, painting, art, movies, animals, cultures, languages. people, cooking, good food, chocolate, gummy bears, home design, crafts, friends... and many more
70-80-90's music. Moulin Rouge soundtrack, Enya, Deep Forest, Sarah Brightman, Sting,U2, Abba,Bare naked Ladies, Beatles,Latin music... As you can see it's a wide range. I like pretty much everything except techno, rap, and heavy rock
Moulin Rouge, My best friends wedding, My big Fat greek Wedding, Spanglish, Million Dollar Baby, Forrest Gump, Pirates of the Caribbean, Italian job, Harry Potter, Dirty Dancing, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pay it Forward, Patch Adams, The birdcage, Ever after, As good as it gets, 40 year old virgin, Bourne trilogy... Oh so many!! I like everything that is not horror.
Friends!!!! Best TV show ever! HEROES!!!! Awsome! Buffy, Angel, Kings of Queens, American Idol, Amazing Race,Dancing with the Stars, Grey's Anatomy
Harry Potter books,Da Vinci Code, the rest of them are Hungarian books... I won't go into that:)