meeting ppl that would not have any sort of potential harm on my ass. in other words , if u r nice , that would be nice , and id be nice too. :) But if you do turn out to be just another washed-out fabricated superficial cufkheads around , take ur shit elsewhere cos id smack ya if u end up ere. No alarms , No Surprises , No Fabricating your masturbatory-tales . To the wannabe likes of the popcultured-era , Im a blur. Please blink n pass.
People = SHIT .
Calvin & Hobbes
the strokes
kahlil gibran
dr seuss
pink panther
aung san syu kyi
jim morrison
p ramlee
liv tyler
janis joplin
Any one not into gossip n it dontcha? UR FABRICATION IS MASTURBATION. thats ur best dress.
Yall friendly n kind hearted humans - i wanna meet! Love is the answer.
people = excreta
I believe , that in this life , we are aLL the same , the product of one crafty Maker. We are one. If we are brought together to merge as one , then the glue would be LOVE. Then the rope binding us would be love , Then all would be love. Love all , serve all. Love is understanding. Understanding that we are all degenerated even if we say we arent. We cant help it , robots for hire to a mind that died contemplating the future in the past. TOO MUCH OF BEING MAN WOULD KILL ONLY MAN IN THE END. And we my friends , we are caught in the crossfire between ancient industrialist schools of thoughts and its projected future of humanity - TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT .But trust me ,by being ultra tech savvy and advanced ,brings a very sad,ugly n negative side-effect -- Societal decay.
wanna meet G W Bush so badly! Really weaallly wanna kick his sorry ass.
A - B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z makes me sick.i make music. music makes me sick . i make music . music makes me sick. i make music . music makes me sick . i make music. music makes me sick. i make music. music makes me sick . i make music . music makes me sick.I love music. Music is Love . Love is punkrock . Love your punk. You make me sick , I make music.
transformers . yay.
yes , the idiot box...cufk it...dun watch much tv nowadays...:P
good stuff...essential jim morrison , satanic verses , life of Time , Kahlil gibran's works, sir tagore's works , khuswant singh , leon uris , joseph heller , good porn.....yeah yeah erotica is a hard stick on ya. :PKahlil Gibran 's and Sir Tagore's poems superceeds anything else in this world
my mum n daddy
Sai baba
Kahlil Gibran
Mother Teresa
Jimmy Page
Bill Waterson
Robert Plant
Sid Barret
Jim Morrison
Steve Biko
Aung San Syu Kyi
John Holmes
whoever that came up with the kama sutra tekniks. hell yeah. :P
Mr Presley
I curse the gloom that set upon us ,
But i know , that i love you so.
Mr Morrison , my hero. Sleeping on stage. My hero.