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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

crEativE, talEntEd and vErsatilE... charming, rEfinEd and graci0us and i am in l0vE with l0vE but infuriatingly indEcisivE! i havE a tEndEncy t0 0vErindulgE! i am gEnEr0us, grEgari0us and by far EvEry0nE's fav0uritE pErs0n t0 sh0p with bEc0z i havE such a grEat tastE! i am a charmEr wh0 cant stand thE th0ught 0f l0sing any guy i havE sEt my hEart 0n. I'd mElt f0r ch0c0latE l0vEr wh0 w0uld bE drawn t0 my intErsity! i am s0cial and intElligEnt and usually gEt what i want in thE m0st charming way...
My favorite...
c0l0rs are bluE & grEEn
animals are sibErian w0lf & t0rt0isE
sp0rts are xtrEmE gamEs & rally
bands are blink182, madnEss & pr0digy
s0ngs are must bE l0vE by madnEss & adam's s0ng by blink182
drinks is icEd lEm0n tEa
f00ds are chinEse cruiSinE & asam pEdas
placEs are amstErdam & dErbyshirE
alphabEts are a . l . y . n . E . p . u . t . r . a .
cars are my m3 & my c0upE

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i want s0mEb0dy t0 sharE thE rEst 0f my lifE and my innEr m0st th0ughts... kn0w my intimatE dEtailss0mE0nE wh0'll stand by my sidE and givE mE supp0rt... in rEturn, hE'll gEt my supp0rt hE'll listEn t0 mE whEn i want t0 spEak ab0ut thE w0rld wE livE in and lifE in gEnEralth0ugh my viEws may bE wr0ng... thEy may EvEn bE pErvErtEd hE'll hEar mE 0ut and w0n't Easily bE c0nvErtEd t0 my way 0f thinking... in fact hE'll 0ftEn disagrEE but at thE End 0f it all hE'll undErstand mE!!!i want s0mEb0dy wh0 carE's f0r mE passi0natEly with EvEry th0ught and with EvEry brEath s0mE0nE wh0'll hElp mE sEE things in a difffErEnt light all thE things i dEtEst i will alm0st likEi dOnt want t0 bE tiEd t0 any0nE's strings i'm carEfully trying t0 stay clEar 0f th0sE thingsand whEn i must slEEp i want s0mEb0dy wh0'll put his arms ar0und mE and kiss mE tEndErly

My Blog

stand insidE y0ur l0vE

y0u and mE mEant t0 bE immutablE imp0ssiblE it's dEstiny purE lunacy incalculablE insEparablE and f0r thE last timE y0u'rE EvErything that i want and askEd f0r y0u'rE all that i drEam wh0 w0uldn't bE ...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:08:00 GMT

cant fight this fEEling anym0rE!

i cant fight this fEEling any longEr and yEt im still afraid t0 lEt it fl0w...what startEd 0ut as friEndship has gr0wn str0ngEr... i 0nly wish i had the strEngth t0 lEt it sh0w i tEll mysElf that i ca...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 21:28:00 GMT

t0 wh0m its may c0ncErn

y0u'rE my h0nEybunch... sugarplum pumpy-umpy-umpkin... y0u'rE my swEEtiE piE y0u're my cuppycakE... gumdr0p sn00gums-b00gums y0u'rE thE applE 0f my EyE and i l0vE y0u s0 and i want y0u t0 kn0w that i'...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 02:36:00 GMT

untitlEd ( t0 wh0m its may c0ncErn )

i think 0f a whilE ag0 wE might 0f havE had it all... i was s0 stupid thEn y0u nEEdEd timE t0 gr0w but n0w just as things changE as wEll my fEElings d0! in timE things rEarrangE i am s0...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 02:40:00 GMT

this 0nE... f0rEvEr! ( t0 wh0m its may c0ncErn )

i just wantEd y0u t0 c0mf0rt mE... whEn I callEd y0u latE last night y0u sEE...i was falling int0 l0vE, yEs i was crashing int0 l0vE! 0f all thE w0rds you said t0 mE ab0ut "lifE," "thE truth," and "bE...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:03:00 GMT