i want s0mEb0dy t0 sharE thE rEst 0f my lifE and my innEr m0st th0ughts... kn0w my intimatE dEtailss0mE0nE wh0'll stand by my sidE and givE mE supp0rt... in rEturn, hE'll gEt my supp0rt hE'll listEn t0 mE whEn i want t0 spEak ab0ut thE w0rld wE livE in and lifE in gEnEralth0ugh my viEws may bE wr0ng... thEy may EvEn bE pErvErtEd hE'll hEar mE 0ut and w0n't Easily bE c0nvErtEd t0 my way 0f thinking... in fact hE'll 0ftEn disagrEE but at thE End 0f it all hE'll undErstand mE!!!i want s0mEb0dy wh0 carE's f0r mE passi0natEly with EvEry th0ught and with EvEry brEath s0mE0nE wh0'll hElp mE sEE things in a difffErEnt light all thE things i dEtEst i will alm0st likEi dOnt want t0 bE tiEd t0 any0nE's strings i'm carEfully trying t0 stay clEar 0f th0sE thingsand whEn i must slEEp i want s0mEb0dy wh0'll put his arms ar0und mE and kiss mE tEndErly