Spending time with friends, being there for my family and friends, movies, music, reading (Vogue), parties, oh cant forget Bailey, Red and Long Island, bands, watching my brother play lacrosse, shopping, nightlife, Melbourne I love Melbourne, walking through the city at night and seeing how diverse a city I live in.
hmmm, who would I like to meet. Im very content to say I have everyone I have ever wanted in my life, in my life. If for some reason I meet you, then its just a bonus really. People I dont want to meet, are those who judge.
I dont have a favourite, as long as there is passion behind the lyrics or the music I like it. I like watching my brother on his decks, he has passion and he rocks the house when he plays (I know I live in the next room)!
I like flicks not movies, I like the old B&W classics.
I do like the odd crime show.
As mentioned in Interests, Vogue, Harpers, Oyster, Cream, Rolling Stone, B&W.
Anne, Ben-ny, Joel, George & Jessie, Bill & Ursula.