® mHaL ® profile picture

® mHaL ®

mArkeD mAh wOrDs .... gOt iT ? .... pEacE oUt ...

About Me

about me? im a simple person but have a lot of crazy staff on mah body he he he , y? coz its fun and ...ehem .... of course quite a caring with a sense of humor.. i am not the talkative type, some may consider me "quite" person, but i am not if you get to know me better .. you dont believe that is me in fact a simple and quite person its a very down to earth and very fun to be with ...thats me ... got it !!!!

My Interests

to meet some friends, internet surfing, downloading mp3 songs, all about html, watching movie esp. horror .. gggggrrrrr he he, gimmicks, bar hopping, collecting cd's especially the r&b and hiphop songs, .... what else? shopping, collecting shoes, bags and any kind of accesories esp. for piercing, playing volleyball and also to find the right guy for me he he he ....."

I'd like to meet:

wHo iD LiKe tO mEeT? wElL iTs oBvIoUs, aNyoNe tHaT wAnTs tO mEeT mE tOo rYt? hE He hE ... wElL fOR mE .... iTs jUsT a sImpLE pErsOn wItH a sEnSe of hUmOr aNd bE oPeN aNd bRoAd mInDed... pEepZ wHo aRe nOt sAtIsFieD wItH tHe pRoFilE i pOstEd ...... wHat eLsE? hMp ..... fUn tO bE wItH, gReaT cOnvErsAtiOnaLisT, pErsOn thAt shOulD bE aBLe tO mAke mE laUgH aNd diStrAct mE fRoM wOrK .... He hE He hE .... sOmEoNe wHo tRy to uNdErStaNd aNd aCcePt mE fOr wHo i Am aNd wHaT i aM nOw ... eSpEciAllY mY fUckiNg mOodZ gGggGrrRrrRrr ....... bUt Of cOurSe a liTtLe dOsE oF iNsAniTy miXeD iN eAcH oNe wOulDn'T hUrT.... gIveS yOu a liTtlE bIt oF sOmEtHinG tO tAlK aBouT, rIgHt? :) oooHh! hE He hE He ... u KnOw gUyZ, If yOu gEt tO kNoW mE bEtTeR aNd bEtTeR yOu'lL sEe tHe rEaL mE ....... oTheR tHaN tHaT i wOuLd lOvE tO mAkE fwEnDz wItH yOu..... aNd aLsO tO mEeT mY lOnG lOsT fWeNdZ aGaiN aNd nEw fWenDz ... yOu? ........
aNd iF u wAnT mE tO aDd, aLsO @ fRieNdsTeR aNd hiPsTiR, hEreS mAh eMaiL aDd: = [email protected] = ... c yAh dEr guyz ... tHanKs ... pEaCe oUt !!!


r&b, rap, hiphop, pop, rock, alternative and acoustic .............. ei guyz, join to mah group its "music rules" .......... c yah der ........ peace out !!!


the ring, evil dead, matrix, armageddon, titanic, scary movie, serendipity and inner sense, wrong turn, darkness falls, the grudge, italian job, entrapment, devils advocate, so close, passion of the christ, the chainsaw massacre, gothika, van helsing, faces of death ... what else? this is one of my fave, fast and the furious part one and two .....


hmp.. i guess sex and the city, just for laughs, variety show, guiness world records, hbo, mtv, fear-factor, david blaine, ripley's believe it or not, ariel and maverick adventures, single, ok fine daw he he hmp.. meteor garden? i dont think so he he he ...............


books? hmp ...... reading is not my hobby but harry potter is the one i like and also the pugad baboy he he he ..................


heroes? ... well , ... all of the heroes out there ........... do u want my hero? ok, then add me now he he he .......... got it ? ? ?

My Blog

when love is not enough ...........

wHen lOvE iS nOt eNoUgH .......... I picked up the phone, and all I heard was the sound of the radio on the other line. Dont give up on us baby, were still worth one more try & Dang. Whos...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

you and i both ............

yOu aNd i bOtH ........ Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me Oh things are gonna happen naturally And taking your advice I'm looking on the bright side And...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

best friend .........

bEsT fRiEnD ........ Pasado alas-nueve na ng gabi. Inihiga ko ang pagod kong katawan sa kama at niyakap ko ang paborito kong unan. Ngunit lumipas ang humigit-kumulang sa isang oras , nananatili pa...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i am single and available ............

i aM siNgLe aNd aVaiLabLe ......... Are you a lesbo?, asked an acquaintance. Whhhhaaaatttt? Do I look like I am one? I asked a friend. I was really pissed off with the guts of that g...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

if only i have ...........

iF oNLy i hAvE ........ its been 4 months since i saw him and talagang namimiss ko na siya... pero what can i do? it seems that i have loved the wrong person.... but still the pain keeps on hurti...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

bakit wala akong boyfriend ???

bAkit wALa aKoNg bOyfRieNd? Bakit ba wala pa rin akong boyfriend? Twenty-five years old na ako at wala pa ring bf. At never pa nagkaruon ng boyfriend. Di naman ako panget. Di rin naman sobran...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

too much love will kill you .........

tOo mUcH lOvE wiLL kiLL yOu ........ Im just the pieces of the man I used to be Too many bitter tears are raining down on me Im far away from home And Ive been facing this alone For much to...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the people that you never get to love .........

tHe pEopLe tHaT yOu nEvEr gEt tO lOvE ......... Many of your friends have a lot of things to say about this chance encounter and they have stories of their own. Each one more magical and eternally ...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Many of your friends have a lot of things to say about this chance encounter and they have stories of their own. Each one more magical and eternally more exciting than the last. But you have a real st...
Posted by ® mHaL ® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST