Joker Broker profile picture

Joker Broker

Most men, they'll tell you a story straight through. It won't be complicated, but it won't be intere

About Me

Real Estate instructor fantastico, I like to think I make peoples lives a little bit easier. I teach real estate tell allot of jokes, and when somebody needs an agent I find one for them. I make real estate law that is as exciting as watching ants screw slightly more amusing for my students. If I do that then you can call it a day in the life that I call my own. Open House Forum is a site designed to make searching for an open house easier than ever. The information you are getting is completely neutral because no particular real estate firm operates Open House Forum. At no charge, an agent can post an open house along with the time, date, location and any other details that they deem necessary to best portray the house that is for sale. As someone looking to visit the open houses, by filling out the simple search criteria, you can find the open house that best suits your needsNo more looking through papers and complicated systems with information that is biased towards one company, area, or people who pay a fee. Open House Forum is the finest open house site in the country.It is my goal to Help Real Estate Agents succeed. If you are holding an open house, let the world know about it on Open House Forum ! a

My Interests

Real Estate, Networking, lacrosse, and takeing over or saving the world, womanizing, bar fights, flying zeplins.... the usual life a rebel in the big city.

I'd like to meet:

Being I teach the stuff, many people ask me to help them find an agent. If you need an agent feel free to contact me or look at my freind list, almost everybody in my list is a real estate professional. And more importantly, they were probably one of my students which makes them damn geniuses to say the least.Be sure to stop by and say hi at the Park Bar & Grill on 2007 W Burbank Blvd in Burbank. give them a call if you get lost (818) 557-6561. And tell the owner you know me, he will treat ya extra nice.


the fungus amung us


Big Fish





The Great Gazoo

My Blog

7 ways to make money on income property

The market has cooled in various cities across the country and fair weather investors are starting to worry about how they'll be able to make money now that their houses aren't escalating at astronomi...
Posted by Joker Broker on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 06:50:00 PST

Why LA, why not LA

Since you asked what is good about LA..... Here goes nothing. Los Angeles, the city of Angeles.  It has many things that people knock.  Glam, superficial behavior and plastic girls and tacky...
Posted by Joker Broker on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 02:23:00 PST