The Righteousness of Error profile picture

The Righteousness of Error

To be able to give away ritches is mandatory if you wish to posess them

About Me

Hello i'm Paddy. Or Chris depending who you are and where you know me from. No I'm not schizophrenic. Hang on yes I am.....I am older than I want to be. I have accomplished very little with my life and constantly feel pressure from my peers to be doing something more meaningful.I believe in: God, Heaven, Hell, aliens, ghosts, soul mates, Fate, kismet, miracles, love at first sight, sex before marriage(it may be the only sex I ever have), one good turn deserves another and Karma.I try and help people as much as I can but like everyone I fuck up from time to time.I enjoy long conversations with people who differ with my opinion as sharing viewpoints is the only way to see the true side of anything.I'm also a pessimist.

Grimlock is my hero. He might be Dumb but he's classy.

My Interests

Rugby, Hockey(thats field hockey for any Americans/Canadians reading this, not the boxing on ice game that you play), Cars, Books, Krav Maga, Films, Music and lots of other shite.


Too many to list. I think I have seen somewhere around 3000 films.


Good Omens, High Fidelity, American Gods, Watchmen(comic), Wheel of Time, Discworld, Michael Connoly stuff, James Herbert(screwed up individual he is!), Eternals(comic),John Courtney Grimwood and anything by Phillip K. Dick.


Kevin Smith, Sam Sodje, John Kirby, Christy McManus(Snr), John Cusack, Mike McGuigan, Margaret McManus, Tim Farndon, Grimlock(He no bozo, him king!), Sam Sheikh, Suggs, Andy Foster, Bill Withers, Shaun Dyer, Superman(duh!), Huey Morgan, Alan, Keith Hill and the one and only JC.

My Blog

Low ebb, welcome to solitude

I once again find myself feeling sorry for myself on a Friday night. Yes my supposed friends went out without me again but my blues cannot be attributed to them on this occasion. I went out tonight wi...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 07:56:00 PST

Who needs enemies?

Since my last post much has happened to me. Some of it is positive but at present its hard to recall any of that. Right now i'm sitting alone in my bedroom. This has become a familiar theme in the las...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 01:04:00 PST


Once again I find myself in a situation where I have seeded the destruction of a relationship with one of my closest friends. Last week I went out(how all my stories of woe begin) with some of my frie...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 04:58:00 PST

Eye of the storm

Since my last post i've been tring to take things a bit easier. I am not a man who wants to find problems all the time, I just do. Small things make me aggrivated and I'm geared to deal with these iss...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 09:32:00 PST

My Thursday Night

This evening past(Feb 1st) I joined some friends of mine for an evening out for one of my colleague's birthdays. As usual I met a number of friends in the SU(Students Union) whom I had not seen in a l...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:40:00 PST


Ok so I did have another blog planned, but today I have had another run in with those(please cover your eyes ladies and small children) CUNTS!I was booking some flights for my mum, dad and me to go an...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:44:00 PST

Lugubrious no longer

Happy new Year. The planet has once again fulfilled its anual circumference of the Sun meaning our calendar now ends in a 7. Woo. I don't believe that a new year is a new start. Its not poss...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 06:59:00 PST


In the last few weeks I have done nothing noteworthy. Nothing, nada, zip. As I sit here typing on my computer I realise I have nothing to offer society. I watch movies, exercise and flit away the hour...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 04:46:00 PST

Tidying my mind

First of all a conclusion of all previous shite I have left unnatended in these pointless mouthings off. 27A the arts charity I have been working for won the public vote for Lottery funding so they ar...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 05:15:00 PST


The last 15 hours have been pretty tough, and the Next 24 are going to be tougher. I roused myself from bed at Seven AM this morning, after six odd hours of sleep, to help my friend pass out flyers al...
Posted by The Righteousness of Error on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 05:11:00 PST