drinking 40's of whiskey - skating - playing shows - being on the internet - video games - travel - doing coke off hookers asses - boobs - MUSIC - the spoon
minibosses - converge - portishead - old man gloom - page 99 - pig destroyer - crotchduster - deer hoof - queens - rjd2 - employer, employee - sea of thousand - the blinding light - cake - jucifer - dredg - failure - isis - cult of luna - MARE - majority rule - haram - transistor, transistor - anything thats live, unless its punk or a shitty metalcore band.
2001: a space oddysey - office space - THX 1138 - Brazil - love liza - hapiness - story telling - owning mahoney.... Philip Seymour Hoffman is my fucking idol - akira - re-animator - dancer in the dark - star wars - stacey - ichi the killer - barney and friends vol. 5 - Capote - pulp fiction
FUCKING BEAR GRILLS in Man Vs Wild. Anyone that can pee on his own shirt to keep cool or eats a rotting animal carcass is a winner in my book. Oh, also Deadliest Catch(!!!) and some Adult Swim. Besides that, not much really.