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FACTS ABOUT JET I'm a huge movie and music buff. I like to play guitar and drums, and have just recorded a new album which you can find as "Kid & The Blackdog Project". To hear 4 songs from my new album "Kid & The Blackdog Project" CLICK HERE!! I'm a BIG KC Royals, KC Chiefs, and Mizzou fan. I've been on the radio for 10+ years, and despite the ups and downs, I still have a great passion for it, and know where I want to be in my career!
I've worked for just about every radio station in Mid-Missouri at one point in my career, and have met some great people along the way! Most recently, I co-hosted "The Morning Rush With Jet & Katy" on Q106.1, and now I'm co-host of "The Closers", a sports-talk show on KFRU... 1400AM.
I love meeting new people, because the more you learn about other people, the easier it makes it to figure yourself out. I'm open-minded, open-hearted, and open for business (whatever that means... sounded good in my head, not as good when I just typed it. Screw it. It's staying).
If you have a little time, feel free to look through my pics! My goal is to live and experience even HALF the life that my dad has. Also, check out some the latest articles and/or write-ups that have been linked below to see what I've been up to!
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." ~ Albert Einstein
"Sometimes you have to go out of your way to get into trouble, it's called FUN." ~ Robin Williams
"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
"“Smile... it enhances your face value." ~ Steel Magnolias
"The only thing you have to be by the age of 23 is yourself." ~ Reality Bytes
Inside Columbia Magazine: BEST OF COLUMBIA 2007 - "Best Drive-Time Save"
Columbia Missourian - "Jet Roberts First and Last Solo Album"
National Sports Blog Sends “The Closers†Some Love!
Columbia Daily Tribune Feature About “The Closersâ€
Missouri Radio Message Board – “Jet Roberts Replaces Mike Kelly @ KFRUâ€ - "Mizzou Footballâ€