Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) profile picture

Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.)

I am here for Networking

About Me

My name is Nathan but everyone seems to call me Shags. I asked my Dad when I was 12 why he had given me the nickname Shags and his response was, "Son the name Shags in this household stands for too Drunk To Pull Out, so deal with you little Bastard" and I have for the past 27 years.I'm the Program Director for the baddest rock station in the Mid-Missouri area 100.1 The Buzz. All that means is I'm the Boss bitches!!! Enjoy the Myspace experience I plan on using it as a tool to vent my frustrations on past girlfriends, life, the world, and anything else I feel like bitching about. Trust me it will be fun its not called "The all you can eat pleasure palace" for nothin! Check out my comedy page at:
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!.. Check out my comedy page at:

My Interests

Check out my comedy page at:

I'd like to meet:

I don't really want to meet the douche but I would LOVE to cross paths with Fred Durst and Donkey Punch the guy in the back of the head while simultaneously giving him "The Dirty Sanchez" across the face. You know right under the nose but above the lip, so the smell with carry with him for a couple of days...That's what dreams are made of!!..! Check out my comedy page at:


LOCAL: Thinline, Morning After, Fare Thee Well, Shamans Harvest, Modern Day Zero, Ludo, The F Bombs, The Doxies, Six By Silver, Ghost In The Machine, Decadent Nation, 12 Gauge Fuse (Oregon Band), and thats just a few. NATIONAL: 7 Mary 3, Mae, Gorillaz, Beck, Sevendust, Old Korn, Mid-90's NIN, Old School Michael Jackson, System Of A Down!!!, Tenacious D, Weezer....I like pretty much everything BUT 80's Butt Rock and Country Music. I feel that country music is the special olympics of the industry, they should all get an award just for trying!!!!!


Check out my comedy page at:


I'm a Comedy Central junkie! Drawn Together could be the best show on TV right now. Also check out Intervention on A & E (Sunday Nights) it will make you feel a lot better about your bad habits/addictions. MXC on Spike TV and UFC...Is there anything better in life than watching grown men punching and kicking each other in the face??? I THINK NOT!!!!


Check out my comedy page at:


How about Aquaman? What can I say, I just feel sorry for the guy. Really, how many crimes are happening under water? Did someone sexually assault the Little Mermaid behind the coral reef again? The guy is jumping from mud puddle to mud puddle while Superman and those other pricks are getting all the credit. The poor bastard is all pruned up from being underwater for the past 30 odd years and all he wants is a towel to dry off with. Aquaman there will always be a place in my heart and my bathtub (incase you need a place to crash for the night) for you my friend!!!..

My Blog

5 shows in 3 nights at Deja Vu

I'm more excitied than R. Kelly at a Piss Party to be performing at Deja Vu once again, I can't believe they asked me back.  I will be opening for Josh Sneed and Sklyer Stone Thursday Feb. 1st at...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 03:04:00 PST

Update on Great American Douche Bag Videos

Holy shitballs&The first ever Great American Douche Bag videos have been shot.  Over the weekend I teamed up with the East High Allstars and now have 3 mini movies in the can (as they say in Show...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:52:00 PST

Comedy Night at Pitchers NOV.18th

Hello to all the Dudes and Dudettes out there.  Wanted to let you know that Barrett and myself are coming back to Jeff City to rock the comedy Mic once again.  Its been nearly a year since o...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 01:46:00 PST

Buzz comedy night at Deja Vu

Holy Shit balls!!!  Last Friday (6/30/06) was Buzz Comedy Night at Déjà vu comedy club in Columbia.  I was given the opportunity to open for Kjell Bjorgen and Steve Hirst.  I took the s...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 01:55:00 PST

I Got Tagged by a guy who should be working!!!!

Thanks for Tea Bagging me on this one Lacasse but your right I do need a new blog! So, here it is:For those of you who don't know the game...The Game:The first player of this game starts with the "6 w...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 01:59:00 PST

My Valentines Day theory...

Men and women are God's greatest joke.  We just don't think the same take Valentines Day for example.  For Men it's              Just an...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 01:04:00 PST

True Life: How I got Shags as a nickname

 My name is Nathan McLeod but most people call me Shags.  I work for 100.1 The Buzz, so I meet a lot of people and they all want to know how I got my nickname.  I should get it out of t...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:21:00 PST

Do I look like a Crack Smoker??

This moment in my life made me laugh, so I thought I would share it with all my myspace friends.  This happened a while back but it is still fresh in my memory.  I attended a local...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 02:53:00 PST

By request from Lindsay...A new blog

I got in argument with a buddy of mine over this the other night, so I thought I would share it with you and get your feelings on the topic of Public restroom etiquette: I refuse to use urinals unless...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 02:03:00 PST


You may have to excuse me because this is a touchy subject, so if there are any wet spots on the paper please just bare with me.  I can promise you that they are tears of joy.  I recently br...
Posted by Shags (Live at Deja Vu Thur. April 24th.) on Fri, 04 Nov 2005 01:00:00 PST