The Hug Team profile picture

The Hug Team

The Anti Happy Slap

About Me

Our good and noble Captain, Peter
Our joint Vice Captain and all round nice guy, Dave
Our joint Vice Captain and the only man alive who cannot whisper, Rossco
Originating from the deepest darkest corners of Brentwood Town the Hug team was put together by 3 handsome young men and a beard. Their mission is to spread joy and happiness amongst everybody whose paths they cross. Should you be lucky enough to stumble upon us, you would find yourself being offered free hugs.... yes that's right FREE!!!
These hugs are given out by a team of highly trained professionals who follow the special hug team etiquette and rules. These rules are as follows:
1) No hug rape. No matter what the circumstances a hug must never be forced. If, after polite persuasion, a possible 'hugee' declines your kind and generous offer, accept their answer and move on.
2) Hugs must be offered to all. There must be no exceptions. Everyone is entitled to his or her free hug regardless of sex, colour or creed and as such you offer all comers a hug.
3) During hugs there must be no touching of rude places.
4) All hugs are free. You must not charge or accept payment for hugs. If a 'hugee' insists upon a monetary reward for your kindness you must donate said reward to a worthwhile charity.
5) For reasons of safety you must never go out hugging alone. Teams of 3 - 5 are advised.
6) Hug teams should remain both courteous and friendly at all times.
7) Hugs with famous people are encouraged and applauded among the hug team community. However in order to be believed and therefore warranted with due praise, photographic or video evidence is essential.
8) No naked hugs!
9) No hugging across two escalators.
Disclaimer: Whilst the hug team welcomes new members with open arms we must insist that we cannot take responsibility for anybody’s behaviour. We offer suggestions based on our experiences and not directions on how you should behave
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This profile was edited with Tower Codes
About me:

My Interests

Hugging. Music. Hugging. Beer. Oh yeah......Hugging!

The Hug Team would very much like you to take 5 minutes of your day to look at this website:


I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants a hug!

The Hug Team's Custom Friends List The Hug Team Has Lots Of Friends To Hug Matt




Random S




Laura Laura Laura




Helen Melon

Alan The Donger


Sheila Diva

View all of The Hug Team's Friends
Generated at:


Hog Hug, Bear Hug Jersey, The Doctor Of Huganomics, Taking Back Sunday, Twice The Hassle


Animal Jam - Hug a Day (2005), Kissyfur - Hugs and Kissyfur (1991), Debby Boone's Hug-A-Long Songs - V. 2 (1989), Ai Yori Aoshi - Vol. 3: Hugs and Kisses (2002)


The OC because it has both hugs and windmills!


Hug Your Customers : The Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Astounding Results by Jack Mitchell, The Giant Hug by Sandra Horning, A book of Hugs by Dave Ross, Laura Rader (Illustrator), How to Hug a porcupine: Dealing With Toxic & Difficult to Love Personalities by John L. Lund, Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms by Christine Kole MacLean, Mike Reed (Illustrator)


Kev the enforcer and Alan the Donger

My Blog

The Give It A Name Adventure!

Hello and welcome to the Give It A Name blog!Give It A Name was by far the largest adventure to date simply because of the volume of people that came along with us, just to prove that point here is th...
Posted by The Hug Team on Sun, 07 May 2006 11:22:00 PST

Panic! At The Disco Hugging adventure

So Tuesday a little band called Panic! At The Disco played at the Astoria and your favourite team of huggers were there for yet another hugging adventure! In attendance were the following lovely peop...
Posted by The Hug Team on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 02:32:00 PST

The Birth of The 'Emo Dart'!

Hello fellow Huggers!This is an usual and rare blog, for the story it tells did not take at place at an official 'Hugging Adventure' and there was no camera there to capture the moment for your pleasu...
Posted by The Hug Team on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:27:00 PST

The Hug Team Weekender Part 2

So its recommended that those of you who havent read 'part one' yet to close this blog and read part one first....once you're up to date, then read on my friends, for this is part two of a wonderful t...
Posted by The Hug Team on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 03:16:00 PST

The Hug Team Weekender (part one)

This is a tale of hug team historical significance and much like many modern age action packed adventure storys (see hug team blog archives for examples) it has adventure, it has intrigue, it has hug...
Posted by The Hug Team on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 05:20:00 PST

Adventure 6: Deathcab...

Hug Team Adventure Number 6 saw the team visit London's Astoria venue for the beautiful music of Death Cab For Cutie.In attendance: Adam, The Car and ofcourse the charming, witty (and sexy) trio of hu...
Posted by The Hug Team on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 12:07:00 PST

Hug Team Adventure 5: Kev The Enforcer's Birthday

Saturday saw the hug team embark on another adventure into deepest, darkest, Brentwood town.  The event:The much feared, Hug team enforcer's birthday.In attendance: Birthday Boy, Lauren, Pwabs, W...
Posted by The Hug Team on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 03:55:00 PST

Spontaneous Hug Team Adventure No.4

Saturday night saw a somewhat spontaneous hug team adventure. Details weren't posted on our page because we couldnt be sure it was happening until it was too late to let you know, but we have details ...
Posted by The Hug Team on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 03:28:00 PST

Adventure 3: Captain Pete's Birthday

Saturday saw Captain Pete turn 20 and as such a Hug Team Celebration was in order. What with Peter being a fan of all things spontaneous The Hug Team were unable to inform all you lovely people of a v...
Posted by The Hug Team on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 06:05:00 PST

The Fall Out Boy Adventure

Hugging adventure #2 saw The Hug Team visit the Astoria for what was an exceptional Fall Out Boy gig.Before, during and ofcourse after the concert the 3 huggers (assisted by the charm a...
Posted by The Hug Team on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 09:59:00 PST