Boots [TWAT] [ER] the angry muff maiden profile picture

Boots [TWAT] [ER] the angry muff maiden

What a load of bollocks...

About Me

Theres not much to tell really my names jaydine, im 18 and i live in the uk. Im into heavy metal but theres like way too many bands to name lol. I like skating, listening to music, hangin out with friends, gettin drunk and gettin drunk a lil more lol.
Myspace HelpI am 64% Asshole/Bitch.
.. I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom.. ..
You Are Scary
You even scare scary people sometimes! How Scary Are You?..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
~Deep Questions That Make You Think~Mostly Original~81 Questions
Name: Jaydine
Nickname: Boots, Whiskey and Psycho Freak
Best memory: Summer of 2004...fuck yea!
Worst memory: Someone dying....
Best dream: All my dreams are good :D
Worst nightmare: Spiders .

My Interests

I'm interested in a lot of things like photography, reading, skating, listening to music, hanging out with friends and partying hard lol.
You Are Tequilla
When you drink, you're serious about getting drunk!
You'll take any shot that's offered up to you...
Even if it tastes like sock sweat!
And you're never afraid of eating the worm. What Alcoholic Drink Are You?
Your Deadly Sins
Wrath: 80%
Greed: 40%
Lust: 20%
Pride: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Envy: 0%
Gluttony: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 26%
You will die, but first you will turn into an evil robot. How Sinful Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Anyone really.....i dont really mind who
Your Seduction Style: The Coquette
You are a pro at playing the age old game of hard to get.
Your flirting style runs hot and cold, giving just enough to keep them chasing you.
Independent and self-sufficient, you don't need any one person to make you compelte.
And that independence is exactly what makes people pursue you. What Is Your Seduction Style?


I'll listen to anything


I mainly like to watch comedies and horrors, my fav films are Interview with the vampire, Queen of the damned, Texas chainsaw massacre (the remake), 28 days later and How high.


I dont really watch a lot of tv anymore but i love The Simpsons


Im always reading lol any genre apart from sci-fi.
You're Totally Sarcastic
You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.
Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.
And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad. How Sarcastic Are You?


My Hero
You Are 90% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?

My Blog

Emo kid song

I wish i was an Emo Kid, with slit wrists and Black hair. Since we've all showed up in town, we've been a nuisence in the air. I was born a different sex, and i make out i do not care... Oh i wish i w...
Posted by Boots [TWAT] [ER] the angry muff maiden on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 02:23:00 PST

A load of crap i know......

Fire eviscreates red caresses,Daggers desire spectral webs.Thine eyes whisper beloved requiem,Evil unleashes malodorous psychosis.Pures kiss silver decay,Agony grovels before beloved nothingness.Hunge...
Posted by Boots [TWAT] [ER] the angry muff maiden on Thu, 04 May 2006 06:47:00 PST