JeAnNieTa profile picture


JeAnNiEta in A bOttL3 ;)

About Me

Who I rEaLly aM? For ThE FiRsT tIme Met, My Fri3nds MighT tHinK ThAt I'm A CaLm GiRl, DoeSnT CaRe What HaPpeN ArRounD, bUt AfTeR A F3w DaY, ThEy GoNna KnoW That I'm TaKe CaRe Of tHem. 'CoS I tHinK, Care Doesnt MeAn By Being WitH Them,aLwAYs tAlKing oN a Phone and bla Bla bLa..... JuSt dO SoMetHing 4 tHem..I Prefer to Let SomEone WhO Hurts Me D3ep (Some Of mY Friends or Family)doNe WhAt tHey WaNna Do For Me :(.... BuT tHen...LetS Do mY oWn wAy to Punnish tHem!!!WeLL.. i'M a RibellIon Girl, But I don'T WaNna Let It Makes tHe people WhO I lOve the mOst hurt. For tHe peoPle wHo huRt mE, i'M gOnna use it to PunNish them!!I lOve arT n' BusSinesS. I lOve PaintIng, SiNgiNg, ReadinG ManY KiNds oF bOoks. I'm a AdVenTure gIrl, NeVer sTop to try sOmeThinG nEw. FoR SweEt DesTenY Band: I Love U GuYs!! also 4laps behind Band!!!! Welll...I'm Not perFect (of Course!!) BuT I'Ve tRy mY best.My EngliSh is nOt gOod, I hOpe U gUys uNdErsTand My wOrds

My Interests

mUsIc...BuSsiNess...PaIntIng....Reading.....SiNgIng...TraVel Ling....

I'd like to meet:

anY pEoPle


AlL Kinds oF mUsicPoP,,,,Rn'B,,,,Hip Hop,,,,, Metal,,,Emo,,,PuNk...HaRdCore,,,MeLoDic..... AnYthing.................................................... ................






JoHn GriSham NoVel....GoD FaTheR mario Puzzo FiNanAcial BoOks...ChiCken Soup..... and manY more


FaTher I wiLL alWays Be tHat Same GiRl that stood NoW i'M older and I waNna Be the sAme aS U!!!! Love yA dad!!!!! AnD mY MoM aLso...LovE yA MoM!!!