the gin profile picture

the gin

Remember that all men are sinner - - and i am the chief amongst them.

About Me

Here is a picture of me after Tahoe last year. I'm "bearing my cross" in a sense. I want to do that again this summer.Let's see, I am a hard core believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I play guitar, bass, and some drums. i like to do Stand up Comedy. I have an IQ somewhere in the 140-145 zone. I am really emotional. You never have to wonder how I am feeling, I'll let you know. I am really an attention whore. That could be why I want to be an actor and stand up comedian. I love to dance.
In fact I have been caught dancing in my living room more than once to
Micheal Jackson or Justine Timberlake.
. .
I love to go dancing with my friends.Well, if you want to know anymore just ask, pretty much I am an open book.

My Interests

Music, The Bible, Apologetics, Jamming on my guitar, bettering myself one day at a time, friends, putting my confidence in what God says about me, a good conversation with someone who is really intelligent and inspiring, speaking the truth in Love.

Are You a good person? How good does a person need to be to make it into Heaven? Do you stack up? Click here and find out.

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet everyone on my heroes list.

. 418764..


The list is so incredibly long, I would never get any sleep. Well I do like "de3_j@Y-cH!cK3n leGg" ha ha! (That is ME!) DC Talk, Pillar, P.O.D., Jars of Clay, Skillet, Lifehouse, Jeremy Camp, Tait, Toby Mac, Kevin Max, Metellica, Queen, Areosmith, Third Day, Reliant K, Salvador, Todd Agnue, Gym Class Heroes, Newsboys, Shawn Grooves, Creed, Plumb, D.J. Maj, Jeff Deyo, Sonicflood, Delirious?, Burlap to Cashmere, Switchfoot, Audio Adrenaline, Tree 63, Rebbecca St. James, Shaun Groves, Disciple, Jonah 33, Kutless, Knowdaverbs, John Reuben, 38th Parallel, Plumb, Justin Timberlake , "Weird Al" Yankovic, No Doubt, Bon Jovi, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Maroon 5, Jason Maraz, Wallflowers, Matchbox 20, Dave Mathews Band, Star Wars (I own every orchestral album out so far), Linkin Park, Evanescence, Guns-N-Roses, Outkast, Micheal Jackson, and many many more, but I'll have to add them later. . .


Some of the best movies ever in my opinion have got to be Cinderella Man, The Notebook, X-Men 3, the Bible vs. The book of mormon, ummm, Let's see here what else. . . I like 5 out of 6 Star Wars movies. Any REAL Star Wars fan knows what I am saying here. j/k All of the Lord of the Rings movies are awesome. Office Space, The Incedibles, Indiana Jones,Jarrasic, Napoleon Dynamite, Saturday Night the Best ofs (esp. Will Farrel's and Adam Sandler's, Christophe Walken, etc) X-Men, X-2,X3, Spider-man 1, 2 and once it comes out I'm sure I'll dig 3, and probably a whole bunch more that I can't think of right now.


Here's the cartoon me doing stand-up comedy!
(Yeah, i move around on stage a lot.)

My relationship with tv is something like this: I love you, I hate you. Ahhhh, the beautiful relationship I have with the biggest waste of time and easiest entertainer I know. (Sounds like a great relationship there doesn't it.). . . Alright, alright, here goes:
Scrubs, The Simpsons, That 70's Show, Beaker, Family Guy(hilarious!), Futrarama, Stand-up Comedians, Behind the Music, Biography, Documentaries, History Channel, X-Men, Justice League, Batman (Just the animated stuff - I grew up on that), Star TNG/Trek Voyager (well I think that about wraps up a good nerd profile there), Homestar Runner, South Park (Pretty bad stuff but I laugh my balls off), Drew Carey (he's the man) . . . well theres more but that sleep thing again.


Right now I recently finished up C.S. Lewis "Mere Christianity" It's awesome. Even if your not a Christian and you have questions, read it, ALL the way threw. It will change the way you think about the whole concept of Christianity. It will ask question you have yet to ponder, and then answer them greater than you would have guessed. Other books I've really enjoy are:

recently went through are Quarter Life Crisis, Ephesians Chapter 4, "Man in the Mirror", and probably many more.


Kind David
Paul the Apostle

Elijah Superman.
He has value. For me it's not about the power. It's his meekness. The Greek word we get meekness translated from is awesome. See, we don't have a word in the English, well at least not one that I am familiar with, that correctly reflects what Jesus said when we get "The Meek shall inherit the Earth". We tend to think of it as week, powerless, and spineless. Yet in fact it is quite opposite of that. The Greek word means 'power in control' and would often be associated with a wild animal taken from savage brutality and unbridled behavior, to one who has changed and now uses that energy for useful and helpful things. I think what Jesus meant here was to use the powers and abilities that we have for things of good - useful, helpful, etc. And when I see Superman, with all his powers, all the potential for ego and 'look how great I am', but only see him wanting to help make the world be a better place, I see meekness. He has a sense of chivalry rarely seen, yet is so much needed today. For his character does not promote how great he is - we all can see that - but instead he does what is right for the right reasons, he is an ideal leader who has a good head on his shoulders. That is why Superman, for me, represents true manhood and heroism. You may disagree since he is only a product of modern mythology, but for me he embodys what a true hero is.Your results:
You are Superman Superman 75% Spider-Man 65% Wonder Woman 62% Green Lantern 60% Iron Man 55% The Flash 55% Robin 47% Batman 45% Supergirl 42% Catwoman 35% Hulk 20% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
I edited my profile with TThis cool link! !

My Blog

Does Calvinism give an assurance of salvation? Part 1

In my wresting and personal studies i have come accross others who struggel with some of the very issues i've been contemplating.  This was more than interesting for me.  If some of you have...
Posted by the gin on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 06:22:00 PST

Unexpected Prayer

The following is an e-mail a friend of mine set me.  i have removed the names for privacy reasons.  But i was blown away by what had happened.  i just strarted to pray via e-mail and re...
Posted by the gin on Thu, 03 May 2007 10:41:00 PST

Mulling over some core believes - good stuff

Lately i just don't want to "know" thing - which is really good - i want to really believe them. Classes at the Meadows have been really good with these struggles. One of my Professors told me today...
Posted by the gin on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 01:36:00 PST

Glad i could help

You know, sometimes we make an impact in peoples life and never really know it. Take my buddy Brain.  He's a big lovable guy at Living Stones with Wolverine side burns and a bull ring throw his ...
Posted by the gin on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 04:59:00 PST

Tring to understand forgivness

How To Forgive (WOW) One day a while back, a man, his heart heavy with grief, was walking in the woods. As he thought about his life this day, he knew many  things were not right. He thought ab...
Posted by the gin on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:00:00 PST

What to go for the Halloween?

Here are a few costumes from Christians this year.  I particularly like the youth pastor one.  Enjoy!Scary Halloween Costumes for Christians...
Posted by the gin on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 11:36:00 PST

A broken heart - a confused mind -a need to worship God

So I just got back from a semi-vaction from Michigan to see my youngest brother graduate.  Though I am incredibly prud of him this is not the subject of this blog. As many of you know I have a wo...
Posted by the gin on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 10:12:00 PST

Hey, if your like me and you like sermons and killer jams you'll get a kick out of this.These christian djs mixed tight beats and mixed them with great sermons.  I've heard a few so far (One by R...
Posted by the gin on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 04:03:00 PST

Random Facts about Chuck Norris.

Here is the finest collection of Chuck Norris related blogs worthy items for your enjoyment.  YOUNG CHUCK NORRIS (SNL)Video Code provided by VideoCodeZone.ComHere are some random Facts about Chuc...
Posted by the gin on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 12:07:00 PST

Can a Christian also be a hedonist?

(Recently I have added a bit more to the blog from Ravi Zacharias.  If you have red the original blog you can just skip to the bottom.) I am a fan of John Piper.  I thought I'd say that rig...
Posted by the gin on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:31:00 PST