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Gemini Nuff Said.

About Me

Create your own at MyspaceMate.comAs I look at this section and ponder: what is the most intresting things about me that someone would want to know or find out?
Well like the profiles says I'm a GEMINI.. Which means yes there are more personalities to deal with. I can be an arrogant s.o.b. , and the sweetest guy in the world all at the same time. I am a diversified intellectual, and a crazy cool brotha to just be chill with. I like to see the goodness and better qualities in people rather than the negative. I don't like to waste time on stress I would rather do something either fun or creative. DONT HATE on the GEMINI's because we are intellectual types!
My mom is one of the foundations I base all women against. She is a strong, independent , worldly, loving, formidable (both mentally and physically) women that has nurtured and educated two young boys into men. She has shown me that a women can be all those things and still be a women. DON'T HATE IF YOU DON'T FIT!! STEP ASIDE AND LET THE REAL WOMAN STEP FORWARD.
The true friends I have are few, but I do have alot of "friends" or people that I'm cool with. I say that because of my easy going personality, ease to talk to and trust they have in me to know that when needed I'll be there for them.
Not easily impressed by material things or your status. More impressed by how you are as a person, how creative are, and how genuine you are. Beauty can be found in many different aspects and in the places that you never thought to look.
There are volumes upon volumes about me that I have not put in here. To my friends on here that know me. HOLLA BACK.. To the new people I will encounter WHAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZUUUUUUUP!!
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My Interests

Movies, Music, Computers, Cars (Love Driving), Chillin with the OUTRUNNERZ , Car shows, Having fun.... Always Chillin. NYC Represent'N Always.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting People and if I have either added you as my friend or inquired to add you to my friends then that means I vaule your friendship. I feel that you are intresting enough for me to contact, know and found out more about.


I have a luv for all music.. Some of my favorites are Rap, R&B,Country, Metal, Techno, Jazz,Classical, Love Mix Tapes from good DJ's.


A Good Black Man by Robert S. Ferguson
Good Black Men are indeed all around us. We pass them on the streets, in the malls and the halls at work. Most we can't see because we don't know what a good man really looks like. He usually isn't flashy enough or rich enough to turn our heads. He might not wear a suit or push a Lexus. He might not have a body like Tyson with a Denzel face. But, as you mature, you realize it's better to find someone who's got your back rather than someone who turns your head.
A good man doesn't agree wholeheartedly with everything you say. He doesn't just tell you what you want to hear and do the opposite. He doesn't declare how sensitive, sweet, caring, sincere, yada, yada he is. He won't have to because it shows. He has his own opinions and yours may clash, but he doesn't have to degrade you to prove he's right. He even admits at times to being wrong, especially if you are willing to do the same.
A good man is not going to meet every item on your checklist. He is human with frailties and faults mixed in with all of his wonderful, strong attributes. He needs your love and respect. He needs to feel that you don't live to catch him doing something wrong so you can declare, Aha! I knew you were a dog!!
A good man isn't insecure about his partner having great achievements. In fact he is the number one supporter and becomes disappointed with when you begin to lose yourself, for the sake of not hurting his feelings, or just want to make him happy. His happiness comes with seeing you excel in your dreams and accomplishing your goals. For as you excel and are exalted,a good partner will bring that good man right along with you.
A good man doesn't necessarily have to always give you a huge birthday or Valentine's gift. He shows his love in the ways that are comfortable to him and make you feel loved. Don't judge him by TV standards. No one is really living a fairy-tale. You'll miss out on your own fairy tale by buying into the myth that our men are no good. It's just not true.
Black Men, we salute you, and thank you for who you are and all you've done.


Hosted at MySpacePranks.com

Your Birthdate: June 5
You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.
Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy.
Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.
Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.

Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower

Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom

Your power color: Tangerine

Your power symbol: Ace

Your power month: May What Does Your Birth Date Mean?


Your Japanese Name Is...
Takai Yamaguchi


I must give this spot to one person only. Much love to PTF869. My mother, you have given me guidance when I needed it, healed me when I was sick, protected me when I was scared, and scolded me when I was foolish. You shaped me in to the leader that I am, the man that I have become, and you continue to influence me to become the better man that I want to be. I thank GOD everyday that I was blessed to be your son. For this I thank you and give you this spot.