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Some Girl In New York City Who's Always Wide Awake

About Me

my life is not a race to the finish line. it is just moments strung together like a rosary, stretched across my fingers as they bleed ink and breathe life across an empty page. i am a strangely technicolored and morbid collage. i love lipgloss sticky kisses and holding hands on a sunny day. i believe in fairy tales. i believe in the dark calm at the bottom of the ocean, and the thrill of dancing with the waves- learning to yield to their force and move with them.i treasure human connection above all else. i like to push the limits, see how far things can go. i'm always in the middle of four books. i'm moody as hell and have the worst social anxiety but some people think i'm outgoing. i'm a complicated, confusing creature as are most humans. sometimes i am weird and spacey and kindof autistic and can't communicate with people and sooo disconnected and it sucks. sorry.
I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me, but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's just too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. - - "American Beauty"
Today I thought of you when writing about shamans and medicine men for school. They talk of the power of the "wounded healer"- the one who dares to bare their soul, who feels the pull to do so, to guide others through the twilight to dawn. It is the wounded healer who knows the blood of the people, and isn't afraid to show that they too are bleeding. That is their tincture, their medicine. Maybe that's what we are. Maybe the medicine is in the revealing, the baring of scraped knees and bruised hearts.
I don't want to live in the conventional way. I don't really want to live the way grown-ups do, the way we we are trying to live now - with bills and gas and arguments about who is going to work on getting car insurance and taking the trash out and why does the bathroom smell funny? And what about channel 11? "Why don't we get NBC?" and "Will you turn that down?". "Honey, I've got to get up early". When does it become this? Why does it have to? It fades me - dulls me. - Sabrina Ward Harrison Which Character from The L Word are You???
you are JENNY! you are sweet, shy, and innocent, but you've got a darker, sexier side...and you cant hold it in forever! you're the closet freak of the group!
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My Interests

all forms of self expression, true human connection, emotionally intense experiences, the way grass smells after it rains, yummy vegan food, kissing, reptiles, kissing reptiles, hugs, rambly quasi-philosophical conversations, bubble baths, overpriced coffee drinks, silly moods where everything is funny, music/books/films that make me cry and make me laugh and best of all both, and writingwritingwriting.

I'd like to meet:

Kindred spirits


Tori, Ani, Fiona. Lots of Canadian people. Brenda Kahn, Katy Rose, Charlotte Martin, Heather Nova, Regina Spektor, Rachael Sage, Kacy Crowley. Dresden Dolls. Third Eye Blind. Mix cd's from friends are BEST, always.


May, Virgin Suicides, Lost and Delirious, All Over Me.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dead Like Me, The L Word, The OC, Big Love, Dexter, Heroes, the Office, Joan of Arcadia, Grosse Point


Suicide Blonde by Darcy Steinke,Girl Walking Backwards by Bett Williams, Wasted by Marya Hornbacher, Special by Bella Bathurst, Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood, Love Is The Drug by Sarahbeth Purcell.Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk. Rules of Attraction by Brett Easton Ellis. Also, memoirs of psychiatric disorders, please.


Luna Lovegood!

My Blog

Stuck In My Head...

Summer posted this poem awhile ago and it's been haunting me:Sixtieth Birthday DinnerIf in the men's room of our favorite restaurantwhile blissfully pissing riserva spumanteI punch the wall because I ...
Posted by Ginevra on Fri, 12 May 2006 04:53:00 PST