surf, snowboard, skydive ,cars, motorcycles, sex, chillen with friends partyin,clubing, drinking mostly and thing that ends in "ing", Hot girls aka my Gf...not particually in that order one really but i guess if i had to say someone it would probaly be kelley slater
Life would suck without a good beat music is like wat makes life go on....I love all music even some country music but most of it is garbage but its all good ...but i gota stick with the classics like Zepplin, Xendrix, Ramones, Sublime , Goo Goo Dolls
Basiclly im cool with anything but hardcore chickflics i mean girls is it really that important that we watch the notebook wiht you i mean we guys got our respect to uphold and i gota admit i geta little misty wen i see the notebook
You gota respect the family guy and the simpsons
Reading is one of my favorite past times...yea i no kinda nerdy but its all good im not goin to name all the book oill just stick with the key ones like Hemingway, Angels and Demons, Dickens, Egar Allen Poe, the shining, the dreamcatcher, Golden Compass Triology, The Knights Templor