*~i love the music in your eyes~* profile picture

*~i love the music in your eyes~*

whats the difference between love and infatuation

About Me

there's nothing truely mouth gaping interesting about me but there are some areas where i have talent, like singing, writting, drawing, cooking, and basically anything i practice long enough!, except for things with a lot of hand eye coordination, like tenis, and baseball,basically all sports except for track and cross country, so yeah, i guess gymnastics and aerobics are out of the question too, but i can dance! lol if that makes a difference. if you want to know the grousome details just send me a message sometime, i am always looking for someone to listen or someone to listen to, or plainly blab peoples ears off or technically eyes in this case but watever! so yeah, i have kind of written a lot of useless crap in here. newayz yah to give you a preview of what my life is like... (cough, ahem) its way too long of a story, but yeah feel free to say hey!other things about me....i am probably one of the craziest people you will ever meet when it comes to the subject of love and what the hell i think it is, and how it has affected my life, well thats a whole other story. i dont really know who i am i am at that teenage point in life where youre kinda like, so .... am i this way or that way do i think this or that, but then i have this strong emotion when i write that automatically decides how i feel so who knows its probably just some stupid phase but watever. /

My Interests

i think one of my largest intrests in life is to find the path that i was meant to follow and following fate and my own sense of faith in my steps.

I'd like to meet:

love is a wonderful thing and emotion that can barely be described and i personally feel that love is what we were all put on earth to experience and true love is what i am searching for in my life.i have many times had my heart broken but each time its been broken, the person responsible for hurtting me has always some how been a very important part of my life. And i thank those people and those memmories for making me who I am today.i would like to meet someone who has no problems and then stab them in the eye!!!!whoot!! seriously they should go in the guiness book of world records!those ppl suck!someone who can get a 100% on this quiz!
Create your own friendquiz here


music eh???? i love music its the one thing in life that i can do and fix well one of the two things writting does the same thing for me, but i havent been writting a lot lately, so music is mostly important right now, i am in concert choir and after hours, a dream come true, i have wanted to be involved in music at our highschool since the first time they came to our school and sang for us, it was amazing i remember how excited i was and how the feel lasted all day, it still somewhat shocks me that i have made it into the top choirs and the ppl i have met and grown close to are just as important as the music


i have no favorite movie i suppose but there is one movie that i hate watching and i cant watch by myself nor without a safety blanket, you may know this movie as,,,, it by steven king, i guess the book is more scary but i wouldnt know i dont have the courage to read it


ahhh the tv, the one thing that can pull your mind from scared, to in histerics, to crying, just by the click of a button, its hard to admit, but our lives revolve around it most ppl atleast.


yay books, how great, i love books but they take commitment i never finish anything i always start them and think the book is really great and then i get involved with something else and i forget about it,


god my savior and my friends and family no specifics i dont want to leave anyone out.

My Blog

so you eat brownines and you pinch people.....

hello to all who care which would assit to the whopping number of one person who has subscribed to my blog ashlee parisi. today is st. partricks day in the year 2007 and yeah, i am at kelly volkerts h...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 04:45:00 PST


today will be short as all sundays are.... and i have once again let myself down, i didnt go to church, i feel horrible... it really sucks not keeping up with myself... i hope i get to school on time ...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:21:00 PST

so its 2:28 am and im bored

so today has already started. i guess it seems as if i have lived through another night, yet havent begun to fathem the day. the night seems long and endless as the day drags and ends quickly as it be...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 01:03:00 PST

just bored

i need something to do. im bored. theres nothing to do but clean and i have already done some cleaning, and its really not that exciting i am hoping for a phone call from jesse and cody, we got to han...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 11:34:00 PST

me being kinda cool and dorky at the same time

i just felt like writting a poem that wasnt mine so yah heres one of my favorites that is also at the beginning of one of my favorite books... the book demon in my veiw by amelia atwater~rhodes..... t...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 08:02:00 PST

blah blah blah

Have you ever noticed that sometimes life can seem as if it couldnt get any worse but then you look at it from a different perspective it seems it cant get any better sometimes it can help so much jus...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 05:35:00 PST

men are stupid

how gay is it that my dad moved out of town without saying a word. ok, so last week i found out from my sister that my dad was moving out of rochelle, i didnt know where until yesterday at around 5:00...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 11:07:00 PST

more crap i wrote

your feet and hands are callased from work and laybor. The work and laybor was done to make me safe and happy, your heart and eyes are callase, for i did not thank you for the things you did for me, m...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 05:01:00 PST

i dunno dumb stuff

His heart is cold, but his eyes can still burn my soul. I yearn for him, although i dont want to i know that all he will do is hurt me and yet that draws me closer to him i dont know why but that is&n...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:52:00 PST


all men fish. some men fish in ponds, and some in lakes. some men catch and relesase, and only very few keep their fish. And whether they just leave them in a bucket in the garage to rot and die, or w...
Posted by *~i love the music in your eyes~* on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 02:37:00 PST