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marco aurelio


About Me

Me who?

My Interests

Music, Cinema, Literature, Teaching Italian, Immigration matters

I'd like to meet:

Anyone but me, expecially: Robert Wyatt, Michael Krassner, Stephen Merritt, a random girlfriend, Giorgio Caproni (if he were not dead), Tom Verlaine, Fedor Dostoevskij (as I do sometimes in dreaming), Andrea Temporelli aka Marco Merlin, Stephin Merritt.


To view my favourite rock albums click here


"The Shining" and "2001: a space odissey" (Stanley Kubrick), "Nostra signora dei Turchi" (Carmelo Bene), "North by Northwest" and "Vertigo" (Alfred Hitchcock), "Rosemary's baby" (Roman Polanski), "The Godfather - parts I-II" (Francis Ford Coppola), "Twelve monkeys" (Terry Gilliam), "Rocco e i suoi fratelli" and "Gotterdamerung" (Luchino Visconti), "Seven " (David Fincher), "The usual suspects" (Bryan Singer), "No country for old men" (Joel & Ethan Coen), "The Royal Tenenbaum" (Wes Anderson)


Better I don't say anything about it...


Now reading: Gabriel Garcìa Màrquez: "El amor en los tiempos del cólera"POETRY (random order of preference): Lucio Piccolo: "Canti barocchi e altre liriche" (1956), "Gioco a nascondere" (1960); Eugenio Montale: "Ossi di seppia" (anni '20), "Le occasioni" (1939), "La bufera e altro" (1954); Giorgio Caproni: "Il passaggio di Enea" (1956), "Il seme del piangere" (1961), "Il muro della terra" (1975); Sandro Penna, "Tutte le poesie" (all life long); Andrea Temporelli: "Il cielo di Marte" (2005), Dino Campana: "Canti Orfici" (1914), Giacomo Leopardi: "Canti" (1831); Ugo Foscolo: "Sonetti" (1802), "Dei sepolcri" (1806); Dante Alighieri: "Vita nuova" (1295 ca), "Commedia" (1300ca-1321); Ludovico Ariosto: "Satire", "Orlando furioso" (1534ca).NOVEL (in random order of preference): Fedor Michailovic Dostoevskij: "I fratelli Karamazov" (Brothers Karamzov), "I demoni" (Demons), "Memorie dal sottosuolo" (Notes from the Underground), "Delitto e castigo" (Crime and punishment); Italo Calvino: "Le città invisibili" (Invisible cities), "Il barone rampante" (The baron in the trees); Marcel Proust: "La recherche du temps perdu"; Vladimir Nabokov: "Lolita"; Robert Musil: "I turbamenti del giovane Torless" (The confusions of young Torless); Gabriel Garcìa Marquez: "Cien anos de soledad" (One hundred years of solitude); Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa: "Il Gattopardo" (The Leopard), "Lighea", "Die Blechstrommel" (Gunther Grass)THEATRE: Goethe: "Faust"; William Shakespeare: "King Lear", "Amleth prince of Denmark"; Carmelo Bene


Ivàn Karamazov, Ivàn Kirillov, Lucio Piccolo, Radiosc@rico, Piero Scaruffi, Carmelo Bene, il sottosuolo (the Underground), Oskar Matzerath, Stephin Merritt.