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Dymondzz & Pearlzz

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... MyGen Profile Generator ... MyGen Profile Generator ... MyGen Profile Generator ... MySpace Codes ... I'm not a complete and total asshole, unless provoked. Sometimes, I say and write some of the retarded things I do out of sheer boredom or pure disgust. Other than that I'm a sweetheart who always has your best interests at bay. I'm not a backstabber. I tell you to your face. I'm not loud and obnoxious. I'm soft-spoken, seemingly timid. I'm not blind. I'm very much awake. I see you in lights that no one else does at times. If I could say one pretentious thing without it being considered pretentious it would be that I truly believe I am someone worth knowing. Thats not to say that I want to be known, nor is it to say that I don't. I am indifferent.I don't really consider everyone an idiot. I only get frustrated because they choose to act like one. In a sense, I lash out at people I expect more from intellectually by deliberately making them feel as stupid as they act. This really isn't out of malice, but out of pain. Not a pain for myself, but a pain for the victim of self demotion. I'm a deep thinker and I forget that not everyone wants to be plagued by thought as I am. Is ignorance not bliss? I'll probably never know. When I ask questions, I'm disappointed by lack of elaboration. I forget that this is a fast-paced world that elicits fast-paced answers, or that some people cannot type as rapidly and find it painstaking to write a whole novel of a response. Although disappointed, I understand.I am neither sadistic, nor masochistic. I couldn't hurt a fly intentionally and I, in turn, detest pain (answering your question, Syria). I want to ease pain instead of create it. I'm truly a lover, not a fighter. I've had my heart broken once and it wasn't by a man. So no, I'm not bitter towards the male race. If anything, they should be bitter towards me. I'm working on that. I'm very curious, so I ask many questions. I'm interested in how the human mind works, why humans respond the way they do. Heres what I want to know from you:1. What happened to us? There was once a time when we could make something fun out of something as simple as a broomstick. Now it seems that the only way we can have fun anymore is to go clubbin, partyin, drinkin, smokin and fuckin. Anything outside of that is deemed boring?. Why can't we think outside the box anymore?2. Why does it seem that as time goes on, generations become worse and worse? The youth of today are lazy, depressed, and hostile (to name a few). They don't respect anyone. They don't even respect themselves. They're always looking for a fight to pick, always immersed in some sort of drama dealing with the boyfriend or girlfriend they claim to love deeply and yet they're trying to holla at their boyfriends/girlfriends friends at the same time. What I find even more interesting is that there seems to be an adverse effect in influence: the youth seems to influence the adults because the adults act just as foolish as the youth. No?3. Why are we so fascinated by violence? When a fight breaks out, I notice people flock to it like a pack of seagulls to a piece of bread. Then when its all said and done they walk away all hyped and chatting about it with such animation like it was the most exciting thing that ever occurred in their life. Did you see that? Man, she got knocked the fuck out! Sometimes people walk away from the fight and get all pumped up so they can start another fight. Why? 4. When our boyfriends or girlfriends cheat on us, why do we always go for the person who they cheated with? I find it interesting that so many people are so eager to beat the ass of the other woman/man, and their love is the second thought. Did their love not play a part in it too?5. Why do we still make excuses for men? To this day we still blame women for the actions of a man. When a man cheats, its that heffa he cheated with that made him do it. When a man says something disrespectful to a woman its the woman's fault for provoking such a response. When Adam ate the apple it was Eve who made him eat it. Isn't it interesting how men are supposed to be stronger than women and yet we constantly make him out to be a weakling, someone of inferior power to the woman? If men are stronger, shouldn't they be able to control themselves? Or does the world have it all wrong? Something just doesn't compute.6. Why do people still fall under the misconception that expressing love is exclusively a sexual matter? If humans had no lips, no ass, no breasts, no vagina and no penis, how would we express love then ? Just wondering.7. Is there really such a thing as love at first sight? How often does love at first sight end in tragic break-ups or divorces ? How long does love at first sight last ? Will the love still be there when the sight you beheld at first withers ?8. Why are some women so cruel to one another ?9. Why does it seem that the black community is going nowhere fast ? Why do we fight each other ? Why do we kill each other off ? Why don't we build each other up ?10. What's the point of a gang ? What is achieved, other than some [false] sense of belonging ? Do the men (sometimes women) feel any more powerful with their weaponry or is it just to keep from getting their asses beat mercilessly ?11. Why does it seem that so many people want to act tough, when they're really just scared, insecure little boys and girls ?12. Who decides what is beautiful and why does everyone seem to follow suit in that person's thoughts ? Beauty comes in many shapes, sizes and colors. (Something to think about).13. Why does society pit skinny women against bigger women ? Why can't they coexist as two equally beautiful entities? Who decides whats too skinny and whats too fat ? Why do we even care ? Fashion magazines dictate that skinny women are beautiful. Rap videos dictate that thick women are beautiful. Some girls lose mass amounts of weight to try to fit the mold of the former. Some girls eat mass amounts of collared greens (and do it doggy style) to fit the mold of the latter. In some societies skinny women are placed on a pedestal and they make fun of bigger woman. In other societies, bigger women are placed on a pedestal and skinny women receive the brunt of the jokes. Do women ever get confused as to which mold they want to fit ? Either one comes with pros and cons.14. Why do people get so freaked out about nudity ? Were we not all born naked ? Do the same people who get all bug-eyed and wide-mouthed when they see a mature life form nude or semi-nude react the same way when they see an unclothed newborn ? Would those people disrespect that newborn as they disrespect, oh say, women who proudly display their bodies even in an artistic gesture ? Do people have sense anymore ?15. Are we all going to hell ?16. Do homosexual Christians know that the Bible considers their lifestyles a sin ?17. Why is it that Christians believe there were prophets of yesterday, but when someone today claims to be a prophet, they're a loon ? Why do we trust the sanity of the men of yesterday but not the sanity of men/women of today ? Why didn't we adopt the Grecian pagan theology before we adopted Christianity ? Was not Grecian theology older than Christianity ?18. Why does sex sell and intellect does not ?19. Why do we not want to think ? There is so much more to be gained from thinking and learning and so much to be lost from doing neither. So humor me: why ? 20. Why will more people respond to a Sex Survey than will those who respond to this ? Humans are very interesting, no ?Does anyone in this UNIVERSE HAVE ANY OF THE ANSWERS ?????? If so please answer using the question's number. ..
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