chandra aka betty profile picture

chandra aka betty

Becky is such a slut, I saw her giving Alex and Joe a terradactyl

About Me

why do i wear my pants like this? for easy access baby. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

lyla, kain, matt. talking on the phone to elisa and elisa (duh). darvocet. zombies. old lady clothes. diet dr. pepper. steve the chinchilla. cooking and eating. geek love the book and the reality. walking. 6ftunder. nerds. old cemeteries (pre-1950). barns. pumpkins. owls. churches. driving. fighting. friends. creamy crab enchilada from chevys. rocky cliffs. swimming holes. harry potter. tattoos. yahtzee. ms pacman. harold and maude. brilliant blues and loud pinks. When a girl gives two handjobs at once, flapping her arms up and down like a terradactyl.


old country, old punk rock, butt rock (some), some indy shit, etc.


wes anderson, cohen bros, zombie flicks especially night of the meth zombie, tim burton, kung fu flicks, DAVID CRONENBURG!!!, tarantino, and a bunch of other shit.


x files.


tom robbins, chuck palahniuk, vonnegut, cd payne, herman hesse, stacy richter, dave eggers, aimee bender, some graphic novels, etc. the usual suspects.


if I should sleep with a lady called death get another man with firmer lips .. to take your new mouth in his teeth (hips pumping pleasure into hips).Seeing how the limp huddling string of your smile over his body squirms kissingly, I will bring you every spring handfuls of little normal worms.Dress deftly your flesh in stupid stuffs, phrase the immense weapon of your hair. Understanding why his eye laughs, I will bring you every yearsomething which is worth the whole, an inch of nothing for your soul.

My Blog

happy birthday to me

my birthday was awesome!!!  sushi, fuck yeah (thanks for the place jesse)!!!  awesome people.  my gifts were rad, owl stuff, bill and ted comics, new purse, food, shirts, sunglasses, ti...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:44:00 PST

things i am grateful for

today as i was riding the train i thought of some things that i am grateful for; my family and i do not have to eat cow blood for protein/iron. i am not addicted to cocaine and gunpowder. my children ...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:28:00 PST

yes i like funny pictures

yes matt in his natural state. bes picture ever of sammy and kain. im scared...really scared of the balnk look and the pumpkin gut hands im just gonna say MAJOR PICTURE FACE this kid will totally...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:00:00 PST

zombie island pumpkin fun!

we went to (as kain calls it) zombie island for pumpkins and corn maze fun.  it was awesome.  we are having a halloween party/potluck, on november 4th at 3pm.  please come and...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 04:51:00 PST

for the laydees

so last nite was hella tight. balls. the food items were delicious, thank you one and all for bringing things, and coming. balls. for those of you who were in on the "is it as big as a babies arm?" qu...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:21:00 PST


holy crap, holy crap, holy crap.  the new coconut coffeemate is coffees PERFECT mate.  also i hate lindsay lohan and think that we should all boycott her existence.  stop buying magazi...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 07:14:00 PST

elisas tag thing

Ok, here's the deal. First, I write 6 weird habits/interesting things about myself, then I tag 6 people. They have to write a blog with 6 weird things about them. So here it goes. 1.  A dog (my d...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 05:14:00 PST

okay so i know that dream blogs are only interesting to the dreamers...but...

last night i had a dream that i started jogging (i know-right) and on my jogging route i ran into none other than actor/martial artist steven seagall.  steven wanted to become my personal trainer...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Fri, 26 May 2006 09:15:00 PST

i already know i am going to hell

so i already know i am going to hell therefore it is okay to tell you that today i saw the most hideous human i have ever seen.  we had stopped in salem to get some fast food.  and lyla and...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:05:00 PST

shoot the bunny

why is it that i never feel rested?  why is it that the sleep i get never satiates me?  i feel endless amounts of yawns.  i am forever tired and unmotivated.  is it the lack of exe...
Posted by Chandra aka Betty on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 02:26:00 PST