asia face profile picture

asia face

Gettin' grown... life is just learnin' as you go...

About Me

hmm...about me.. jebus. well fer starters i talk alot.. like ALOT... all of the time. And i reallllly like talking. I like talking in general but mostly about really crazy things.. I'd like to think im pretty open-minded.. and i like trying new things. I LOVE MUSIC.. music to me.. is an unspoken language! I think the one thing i love moreeee than talking is LAUGHING! i love to laugh and to make people laugh! Food is also very good. i like food.. it helps me to live. :x and umm I love my cats.. tommi and bowzer Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Interests? How do I answer that. I like.. stuff that i like? I dont know.. i really like Pin up Art .. and... my cats my cats are very INTERESTING. :x this isnt a very interesting entry on interests is it.? :x im sorry

I'd like to meet:

anyone whos HAPPY with what they have.. and with who they are.thats larris and tsoukie, whos the boss u think?


I like everything.. I like anything that makes me feel like movin' and a shakin'! Music Video: Tunak Tunak Tun

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Hmm i think that Drop Dead Fred is a great movie. I think it was the first movie i watched that wasnt animated or about magical little ponies, and Benny and Joon


kills alot of good brain cells. I dont have to many to spare.. so ill keep mine.. thank you. THAT .. and i dont have cable.. :'x + the only good show on tv now a days is IRON CHEF, and i live with Chef Gordon .. who needs TV


ALL BOOKS. READING IS FUN! (jesus didnt anyone watch reading rainbow)


I admire alot of the people around me. They teach me alot, and are kind wonderful patient loving people... my friends are my heroes..

My Blog

JESUS crap

WHY me.. some dumb hoe in cali is usin a pic of me.. and ON TOP OF THAT shit SHE SAYS I NEED TO LOOSE 5 LBS.. what a hooker.. spam her myspace with meanies.. lets ALL CYBER BULLY HERRRRRRRRRRRRR ...
Posted by asia face on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:14:00 PST