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INSIDE THIS LEOS MIND A LIL BIT!LEO DIAMOND Great talker. beautiful Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Great kisser. Center of attention. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found
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I'd like to meet My own Superman my own hulk, my own ROCK, my own Neo, from the matrix, bc i am Trinity, I need the 1. Lmao yea i knw im silly, but seriously.
My music will have u on for real, and i mean my voice, and my songs, lol. But seriously though i like almost anything! I LOVE it all.
LOVE and BASKETBALL an all time favorite. The Brothers,The Best Man, The WOOD, BROWN SUGAR, THE MATRIX, man the list could go on for days.
MARTIN, Girlfriends,106 n Park, MTV, the medicine channel, the list could go on 4ever.
There Eyes were Watching GOD!
The ROCK! The HULK! SUPERMAN! MY FUTURE SOULMATE! HALLE BERRY, AALIYAH,CHRISTINA MILLIAN,Beyonce, LIsa Raye, and Ciara. Number 1 though its myself, lil old ME!
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