Music, art, politics, love and megaliving
Everyone there is to meet, some wise man/woman once said that one should always listen to anyone who has something to say. Even a fools opinion might just contribute to a higher understanding of whatever the subject might be. So bring it on fools, who knows perhaps you're not such a fool after all:-)
I like various artist and bands and to name a few: Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, early Genesis( from the seventies), Soundgarden and all that 90'ies grunge extravaganza, debaussy(classical composer and he is awesome), Rufus Wainright and all that N.Y.C gay magic, Underbyen and Kashmir(great danish bands, check them out!!!!), and i could go on for ages..........
Movies worth checking out: Der Untergang: great german movie about the last hours of fall of National Socialism(Hitler) in germany. it is viewed through the eyes of Hitlers Sekretary, and the frustration she meets when she, in the end, discovers the truth of the nature of Hitler and his most trusted followers, is so well depicted.
Television is a strange way of gaining information, it is often one-sided and it often makes yuo draw the wrong conclusions. So when i occasionally watch television i take it with a grain of salt. And as for programs, soaps and so on, they could all go to hell for my sake....