Carl O. Jones profile picture

Carl O. Jones

Blood and Crowbars!

About Me

Carl O. Jones lives in London where he has cleverly disguised himself as a maverick artist. He enjoys wearing cardigans, decorating typewriters and urban carpentry.

Art: /34524.html

My Interests

Pretending to be an artist.

I'd like to meet:

Ambitious people who aspire to a different mode of greatness and other assorted scumbags, especially S&M enthusiasts.


Talking Heads.


Midnight Cowboy.


Curb Your Enthusiasm, Father Ted, The Mighty Boosh, The Young Ones, The Adam & Joe Show, Nathan Barley, Homocide: Life On The Street, Brass Eye, The Munsters, The Avengers, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Harry Hill, Neighbours, Hill Street Blues, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace


George Orwell, Brett Easton Ellis, Jack Kerouac, Karl Marx, Joseph Heller, Anthony Burgess, Che Guevara, Ken Kesey, James Baldwin, William Burroughs, Hunter S. Thompson, Chinua Achebe, Sun Tzu, Primo Levi, Albert Camus, Charlie Brooker, Franz Kafka, Michael Herr, John Pilger, John Sack


Vince Spartacus

My Blog

A Poem

Whilst looking through some old papers I discovered this poem I constructed using newspaper clippings during an evening of heavy drinking and arts and crafts: artist  hero who  moves&nb...
Posted by Carl O. Jones on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 10:34:00 PST

Spartacus Paint Jobs, yeah!

After months of unsuccessfully searching for a job I've decided to set up my own painting and decorating firm,  it's called 'Spartacus Paint Jobs'.  From now until Februrary I'll be working ...
Posted by Carl O. Jones on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 03:08:00 PST