fOsTEr profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I was brought into existence when an X chromosome and a Y chromosome got together. However I am unique in the sense that I am a Special Edition. In fact that's really the best way to describe me, a Special Edition XY.

S.E.X.Y. for short. That's me.

I've found a new lease on life passed on from the powers that be which exist only in my neural molecular construct, or mind, and have decided to stop contemplating what could have been and refocus my efforts on what could be. It may seem like merely a change in verb tense, but it is oh so much more.

Also I love the phrase "as well as."* html #idname { }

My Interests

the English language, conversation, board games, laughing, and the endless pursuit of good times...

Also I get off on pain, so by all means talk to me about politics and watch my ears run red with natural juices, just roll me on my side so I don't choke on the shit coming out of your mouth. While you're at it please put on a baseball game and feed me cottage cheese.(Still the most disgusting thing I've ever put in my mouth.)

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can brighten my day. It's really not that difficult as any number of things can elicit a chuckle.


Way too many bands to list. I like a wide variety of music. Nine Inch Nails will always be my favorite band and I own more Chemical Brothers cds than any other artist. Queen, Rancid, Fatboy Slim, Daft Punk, AWK, Daniel Bedingfield, and The Postal Service all deserve an honorable mention.
Yes I do own every Avril cd...


I love my Netflix and I have seen more movies than I can remember. I like Keanu Reeves, Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck in the majority of their roles. Deal with it. They are not my favorites, but they've been in some damn good films. I really really like John Cusack, Steve Martin, George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Clive Owen, and Jason Statham.

Also if you haven't seen Spice World you are missing out. I bought the video back in the day and it came with a free poster. Rock!


Cable television is a former addiction of mine, and it nearly cleaned me out. I slew the Comcast beast and now rely on an antenna which is usually more frustrating than entertaining. I am obsessed with the NFL, and have a sweet spot for Simon Cowell, but for the most part I get by with Netflix.

Six Feet Under was one of the greatest series ever. Scrubs is really good too.


I love words. Anything that compels me to finish the story...

I read Wikipedia more than anything though...


My father above all others. The Almighty Trent, Bruce Smith, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Cameron Crowe, Samuel Clemens, Ben Franklin, Freddie Mercury, Myles Lasco, Elliott Yamin, Corbin Dallas, Dan Burns, Lloyd Dobler, Deloris Van Cartier, and John McClane.

My Blog

Back to work!

So I had my first official day back to work.  I was still a bit nervous as I got the tour of the facility.  Another guy was starting the same day and he knew a few people who worked there.&n...
Posted by fOsTEr on Wed, 07 May 2008 04:24:00 PST

Keeping time with my suicide watch.

My roommate has been paying crack whores to chase me around our neighborhood.  Not really, but he was thinking about it after I told him how one chased me home the other day.  I was just bei...
Posted by fOsTEr on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:06:00 PST

Today I punched confidence in the throat.

Not too sure about that title but the sentence keeps floating through my head for some reason.And now for something possibly profound.I like chopping onions and shallots because I can cry and cry and ...
Posted by fOsTEr on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 10:58:00 PST

You sure got style but you ain’t got no soul!

I couldn't think of anything good to write. I tried writing exercises from a book that is supposed to inspire me but I stalled after three sentences and abandoned the book after three misses. Everythi...
Posted by fOsTEr on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 05:50:00 PST

I love this fucking cd.

...from when I first saw the video for Salvation my freshman year of high school into my old age.  Always will. "For when the music hits I feel no pain at all..." I am now able to run through wal...
Posted by fOsTEr on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 11:59:00 PST

Where do I go from here? What direction do I take?

 I find myself without direction. I was wandering downtown today, I had places to go, but the manner in which I travelled was different. Everything feels surreal. It's as if I'm in some strange d...
Posted by fOsTEr on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 11:38:00 PST

Family history exposed!

Note: I had the idea for this way back when it was a little more relevant, but I still thought it was a humorous piece and felt I should see it through. Finally I can speak out. I am pleased to final...
Posted by fOsTEr on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 07:31:00 PST

Living the dream has its costs

The questions are maddening.  Driving me batty. Or was I this way before and I'm just now waking up?  I can't wait to get out of here.  Away from the stress, the paranoia, the emptines...
Posted by fOsTEr on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 01:29:00 PST

It shouldnt be a two horse race&

I'm not taking things lightly this year. This year I've already started my training, and I have a long way to go, but I am confident I can pull it off this year. See every year at Christmas there is a...
Posted by fOsTEr on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:56:00 PST

Not that much...

He knew exactly where he was headed.  It was clutched in his hand, still grimy from its time afloat in a puddle.  He was pretty quick to snatch it up, not a minute later he could see his de...
Posted by fOsTEr on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:24:00 PST