I like to chill, play video games, web designing. I love to work out and staying in shape. I like watching sports as well, like football, basketball and my new passion, soccer. I spend most of my time on the computer researching whatever that's on my mind at that point in time. And last but not least, I'm a big wrestling fan. I know it's staged and somewhat fake, (not everything they do is fake. Some of that stuff has to hurt) and I love the entertainment that's in it.
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I Want To......
Fuck You
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Suck My D%@*
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I freaky love music. I'm into that dirty down south music. Lil Wayne, Juve, T.I., Slim Thugg, Squad Up, Lil Flip, Pit Bull, Outkast, Rick Ross and of course the best of them all, Jay-Z. The majority of my music is on the mix cds. That underground music that you don't hear in the club. I even got some underground R&B jams as well. I should be a DJ.
My favorite movies are Snake Eyes, All Three Matrix, Kill Bill, Fight Club, Face Off, and Lord of War.
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Anything that's talks about money.