Jimmy - TK1025 profile picture

Jimmy - TK1025

TK-1025 Alpha Company - Platoon 2 - Squad 2: 2007 Rose Bowl Parade Star Wars Spectacular

About Me

What can I say? I'm a geek at heart. I guess I always have been. Its fun, I enjoy it and I wouldn't change it.
Veggies are Murder! Eat Meat! Save a Fruit or Veggie!
Heart of an Empire Trailer about the 501st.
Coverage from the Atlanta Christmas Parade of Joey's Batmobile and me in my "Goon One" costume.Great Coverage of the 501st and LFL appearance at the 2007 Rose Bowl Parade.

My Interests

Robots of course.Other things.........Tacos. Star Wars. More Tacos. Godzilla. Godzilla eating tacos. Anime. Anime tacos. Ninjas. Ninjas delivering burgers, but being ambushed by Taco Ninjas. Zombies. Not Zombies and tacos, thats gross. Oh, and tacos with sour cream and extra cheese, but no tomatoes......actually Zombies and Tacos are not that bad after all, just a little stale.

I'd like to meet:

I do believe I've already met her. :-)....but if someone can sneak a real life Rei Ayanami in for a visit, I won't complain. Lets see who else....Godzilla, Mothra, The Master (check your 80's TV), Moses, Pharohs of old, and the inventor of the taco.


80's Rock, Classic Rock, Techno, Industrial, Soundtracks,


Pretty much all scifi, good comedy and action. My favorite Arnold film was True Lies and my favorite SciFi is Star Wars. My favorite action would be The Last Crusade.


Battlestar Galactica, 24, Russian Idol, Simpsons, Fosters, Croc Hunter, COPS, and Taco Bell commercials.


StarShip Troopers (the book, not the movie), Flags of our Fathers, some Star Wars, old Star Trek novels.


Godzilla and Lenore.

My Blog

Do you remember when you "grew up"?

My father and I use to go out for father and son lunches and dinners when I was younger.  It was usually to McDonalds as they were nearby and as a kid what could be better?  I always got the...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Fri, 11 May 2007 05:49:00 PST

Rose Bowl Parade: Part 1

So I haven't forgotten to blog on my Rose Parade experience, I've just been so busy lately.  That and I'm still sort of trying to absorb the whole thing.  It was an amazingly unique experien...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 07:42:00 PST

I lost my Lenny...my Pluto.

Few of you ever met him, but he was the joy of my life for the past 9 years.  Lenny was a black lab mix who was forever a bundle of pure joy.  He never knew how to be more than the puppy he ...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 09:34:00 PST

AWA 2006 Part II

Ok, for those that know me, you know there are two things I really like and always joke about. One is tacos. I love a good taco and I have joked often about making a giant taco costume just to pick on...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:53:00 PST

Anime Weekend Atlanta - Part 1

Brandi and I are hanging out at Anime Weekend Atlanta.  So far it has been an incredibly frustrating example of zombie like dedication to doing no more than what is required of you.  The reg...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:54:00 PST

Anime Expo, California, Unplugging, and In and Out

So I'm back, slowly catching up on everything.  I was out for 11 days and I did something I've never done since the first time I ever checked email back in 1993.  I unplugged. I completely ...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:18:00 PST


Well, I've gone and done it.  Something that will break the hearts of many.  Something that will cause even deeper hatred of myself by others.  I've gone and asked Brandi to marry me.&n...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 04:35:00 PST

Awkward moment

So I decided to get a hair cut today.  Really nice and very talkative lady.  A bit hard to understand as she had only been in the country for a year and her English, while a great grasp of w...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Sat, 27 May 2006 08:30:00 PST

Freepy things that go "Heeeello!" in the night

Ok, so the other day I'm setting up MySpace all alone, in the dark, with the window open next to me when suddenly I hear someone call out to me. "Heeeeello!" an erie woman's voice cries out. Ok, um, w...
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Wed, 24 May 2006 11:00:00 PST


I'll never blog.  I don't get it.  Why would anyone ever want to blog?      ......ah crap, I just blogged didn't I?
Posted by Jimmy - TK1025 on Mon, 22 May 2006 08:16:00 PST