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Steve Virginia

Official Steve Virginia MySpace site!

About Me

Growing up in a modest home in the rural mountains of North Carolina, Steve Virginia was constantly enveloped by the music of legendary musicians. Taking turns playing their personal favorites on the family record player, the Virginias raised Steve on the sounds of his mother’s John Denver, James Taylor and Boston records, as well as his father’s Willie Nelson, Mike Cross and Merle Haggard albums. His grandmother, a former 1940s lounge singer, also made a tremendous impact on Steve by sharing her musical adventures and singing her favorites while working around the house. The unbreakable bond linking family and music would remain strong throughout Steve’s life. At the age of thirteen, when Steve’s mother gave birth to his younger brother, the excitement of a new sibling was accompanied by loss as his father left the family. Steve now had the obligation to be the man of the house, taking a job at a local theme park to provide extra income. Steve’s mother during this time became a big influence in his life. “Mom taught me how to treat people. Plain and simple without the love and support from her, I would not be here today!” Through these times, Steve often looked to music as a mechanism to cope with daily challenges. “Music is what really kept me from getting into trouble when I was a young adult. When most kids were going out and partying, I was busy trying to get better at what I loved. It never occurred to me that someday I might get to do it for a living.” Representing the male role models he lacked, Steve’s twin uncles became an integral part of his life. Steve’s musical ambitions were strengthened by his uncles’ influence, for countless nights he would quietly observe the practices for their cover band, hidden from view. He was quick to pick up the nuances from his uncles’ styles and soon began developing his own. As a teenager, Steve played drums for hours on end, earning him top honors at his high school. Steve continued to work the local circuit as a drummer, but soon became restless behind the drum kit. It was becoming more and more evident to him that where he wanted to be was in front of the kit, not behind it. While working on his BA in Graphic Design at Appalachian State University, Steve continued to work at the theme park and quickly worked his way up to headlining the entertainment department. During this time, he transitioned from hiding in the shadows behind his drums to taking center stage with a microphone. Steve thrived in the spotlight and began to develop his uncanny ability of capturing the audience with his performance. Drawing from his strong family ties, which taught him that every individual is an integral part of a whole, Steve sought to make a personal connection with the audience, making the crowd feel what he was feeling. He soon became regionally known for his ability to engage audiences of different sizes, backgrounds, and economic status. People began to come to the park just to see Steve’s shows, and would often wait for him outside the gates for an autograph or a photo. After college, Steve, his wife Jennifer, and their daughter Lilly, relocated to Nashville. With his new family, he possesses a new passion for music that ties together many different genres and generations. “When I make music, I am not trying to make rock or country. I just try to make good music. Music for my fans and myself. If you like it, great! If you don’t, listen again it will grow on you! For me the greatest gift is for the people to give me their energy as a direct influence of what I do. After all it is all my fans that allow me to do what I love everyday!” Since the move to Nashville, Steve has put together one of the hottest bands around. His live shows are garnering serious attention on music row for their energy, and intensity. Steve is quickly gaining attention among several “A-list” musicians, as an artist who “Has what it takes to be around a long time.” Steve is currently finishing up his debut album with his producer Allen Morgan, and is continuing to write with songwriting heavyweights throughout Nashville. “I hope that in 15 years people see me as a trailblazer. A guy who stuck to his guns, and made it to the top HIS WAY.”

My Interests


Member Since: 1/30/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Ok so there are many people who I can thank in this section... Starting with Allen Morgan. Producer extraordinaire! He is number two on my top 8. (Second only to my brother.) Check him out he is an amazing talent, and one of my best friends. The stuff he has done will blow your socks off!
Joe Scheibelhoffer - Drums - Incredible player! Hands down the best drummer I know, and one of the coolest people you will ever meet!
Sean Smith - Bass - What a cool guy! Instantly Sean and I hit it off! Sean has the best groove, and to boot it all does it all barefoot! Check out his page, cause he has some amazing tunes himself! Sean is a Bass virtuoso and shows it on his page!
Tyson Rogers - Piano man extroardinaire! Tyson is the hippest piano player I have ever met! He always knows what to play and when to play it! Tyson almost didnt take the gig cause of my name! ;) Tyson is an incredible jazz player, and has some killer music on his profile!
Adam Agati - Electric Guitar - Hands down the best electric player I have ever had the chance to play with! What a talent! This guy is so good he will make you mad at how un-talented you are! Not only is he talented, but the coolest dude! The women seem to love Adam! Im sure it is the brooding rock star thing!
and Lastly Lisa Carrie - BG Vocals - Lisa has a beautiful voice, and continues to work hard for us all to keep the dream alive! Make sure to check them all out on this season of Nashville airing on Fox this fall! Way to go guys! It is rare that you find people this good to play with in Nashville, but it is even more rare that everyone is amazingly cool and fun to hang with! Not only ar these guys some of the best players around, but they are flat out some of the best people! I just can't tell you all how much you all mean to me! You guys are the best!
Influences: James Taylor, U2, Aerosmith, Journey, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, Boston, The Eagles, Billy Joel, The Black Crows, Ricky Skaggs, Jerry Douglas, Led Zeppelin, and last but not least there are two that stand out the most for me......1. Dolly Parton - I heard a story about her one time from someone who did a movie with her. They said that the weather was hot as hell, and that everyone was complaining and carrying on about how terrible it was to have to out on a day like that one. (Everyone that is except for Dolly) Someone asked her..." do you continue to be in such a good mood with no complaints about this horribly hot day??") Dolly looked at her and said "Honey I have asked God for these kind of opportunities my entire life, now I have them, why would I want to complain about them??" We should all take the lead from people like this. She is a legendary entertainer, but also a beautiful person...2. Garth Brooks - Perhaps the best entertainer in the world (still) but still is the most down to earth guy on the planet. Best of all gave everything up to be with his three daughters. Hopefully he is not done! He is without a doubt my all time favorite male performer! The first song that ever got me out from behind the drums was Shameless, so in a way you all have Garth to blame for me being in the business.

Put Steve On Your Page!!!

Put Steve On Your Page!!!

Put Steve On Your Page!!!
Sounds Like: Steve Virginia!
Record Label: To be determined. So watch out!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

CMA Celebrity Auction

Hey everyone! The YWCA and CMA asked me to emcee the 2008 Celebrity Auction this year at CMA fanfest! Here are the details!Hope to see you there!June, 7 2008 at Hall of Fame Plaza (Not Available , Nas...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:23:00 PST

Attention people of Boone!!!!!

Hi everyone! Just a real quick note to tell everyone that lives in or around Boone nc, that I am sitting in with my brothers band Friday at his high school. If you come expecting to hear Steve Virgini...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 01:58:00 PST

March the 6th Postponed!!!!

Hey everyone!Just wanted to let everyone know that the show on the 6th has been postponed to a later date this month. I apologize to everyone for the scheduling conflict. I will let everyone know when...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 03:27:00 PST


Hey everyone! In effort to use the MySpace page for a little market research, I am going to make "Country Kind of Life" available for download for the next 5 days! Make sure to let all your friends kn...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 06:00:00 PST

First Show of the Year!

Attention Nashvillians!!!! I am starting to schedule shows for this year, and the first confirmed one is The Rutledge on March the 6th @ 6pm! It is a free show, so you don't have ANY excuse not to com...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 07:29:00 PST

Merry ChristmaHanukKwanza!!!

Hi there everyone!After having a crazy crazy November and December, I am taking some time to reflect on the year and be thankful for everything! So... on that note, as I sit here in my brand new red f...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 05:48:00 PST

New Steve V Banners!!!

Hey everyone! So I have had a ton of requests to have some banners that people could paste onto their pages... and at long last they are ready to go! Come on by check them out, and if you want one jus...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 11:54:00 PST


WOW! I am so pumped to have talked to so many of you this morning! I heard from a ton of people! Some that I do know, some that I did not! It was awesome! I have decided that as an artist this is what...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 01:19:00 PST

Just a thought on my MySpace...

So here I am lying here in bed, not able to sleep, and I am thinking about my musical career. I know that is a broad topic, so I was thinking more specifically about my myspace music page. I Got to th...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:58:00 PST

On the radio?!?!?!?!?

Hey everyone! I am currently being featured on clear channel radio's new music page! It is a nationwide thing and could mean that I could end up with national radio play without a record deal! The tun...
Posted by Steve Virginia on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 02:24:00 PST