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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
pet peeves, the anti-heroes, antagonists, chaotic fucking hatreds, anything that causes entertainment. I love having something to fuck with, bitch about, make fun of, and otherwise put into a light that I can mold how I see fit. I'm interested in you; and how you react. I'm interested in the situations that cause you to foster these reactions. I'm interested in being interested. I can NOT stand boredom... ever. I am in a constant state of "what's next?" and my appetite for entertainment will never be appeased. Too much of a good thing does not exist for me, it's rather too much is never enough.
Judas. Plain and simple. The Judas. No one ever says they'd like to meet him, but I'm sure, once brought up as I have just done, you'll realize he's probably someone you would like to have met were it possible. I'll be there were some extenuating circumstances that we just don't know about to give us reasons for the things he did. I'm not saying it was a good idea, but I'll be with an explanation of his situation, we'd all lighten the blame we put on his shoulders. Maybe his life and his family's lives were threatened, who knows? Alot of people would like you to believe they would GLADLY lay down their lives for Jesus, if they were in that moment. Really? Back then? When he wasn't prayed to? When he was your buddy, the one who told everyone he was the son of God? Back then, he was barely considered a prophet, a gifted do-gooder really. And a pal. Now lemme tell you, I'd take a bullet for alot of my friends, but unless I know what poor Judas had goin on at the time of his choice to give up good ol' J.C. I'm not layin any blame on him. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. We've only got one side of the story folks.
Music is of utmost importance to me. An outlet, an escape, an unfiltered focal point of force, feeling, and fixation. You can play a song for a thousand people, and each could come away with an entirely different response to it. It's not only a reflection of life, but of shaper of those very lives upon which it reflects. I know that I would be a different person today, had my musical options been altered as I grew to become who I am. Even now, if my choices were limited to any specified set, I know I would change, on some level, to assimilate to the environment thrust upon me, as most would. You can tell alot about a person by the music they LISTEN to. You have to HEAR what those around you say all day, when people talk AT us and not TO us, but the words and melodies that people CHOOSE to introduce into their own lives is a significant sign of who they truly are. What they are really thinking and feeling. Music IS the voice of the masses. To understand what those around you are trying to say when they can't speak the words themselves, all you have to do... is listen.
Ahh cinema. I like all types of movies, as I usually do with anything that contains variety. And being that I'm all speeched out, here's a list of Horror movies I like for each letter of the alphabet. This will come in three installments. This week, I-P. I Know What You Did Last Summer, Jaws (it's a classic), Killer Clowns From Outer Space (can't beat a killer clown), Leprechaun (I was gonna go with Lake Placid, but it wasn't really horror. Sorry Betty Davis), Mimic, The Ninth Gate (fuck Night of The Living Dead), The Omen (O is hard...), Pet Sematary (there you go Joe). There you have it. If you don't like em, or think a different choice should be up here, let me know. I don't have all the answers all the time, though I do have some of them, sometimes.
Time for politics. Jesus folks, I haven't recieved this much hate mail (for the Obama thing I put up a bulletin about) since I wrote about the need for abortion in the U.S. Here are my political facts for all you people out there. Let me apparently start with my defense, as I have been called a racist quite a bit recently. Check my friends list, you will find people of every race, religion, and sex available to the masses. Sorry, I'm not the monster you wish I was. The last girl I was with emotionally was black and puerto rican (sorry to get you involved Denise). I work hand in hand with the MUSLIM Kuwaitis here to enhance relations with the U.S. military, on a constant basis. Hell, I was last operated on by a muslim doctor, if I didn't like these people do you think I would let one cut my head open to fix the fucked up shit inside? Now, onto the other side of the table. And on to politics. I hate BARACK OBAMA. He is a weak rookie from his first senate seat with ZERO experience at leading anything that wasn't doing great when he got there. He has no foreign experience. Sorry, visiting grandma in a hut does not count as diplomacy. His tax plans are ridiculous at best and his past is at the least questionable. I do give him the credit of admitting to previous drug use as a teenager. That took some balls. But thats all he gets credit for, besides whining and bitching for the black vote when he doesn't even address black problems as much as his rival HILARY CLINTON does. Billary as I call her has her own set of problems. She may be the first female candidate for president that has a legitimate chance, but calling attention to it takes the entire point out of it. She's supposed to be able to be on the same level as the men she runs against. Saying she's being picked on for being a woman or calling attention to it in any way shows that gender DOES matter, and in a position such as our leadership as a nation, it should not. She's also a lawyer, more successful than Bill every single year they practiced. That's right, she's more cunning, more underhanded, and if she stabs you in the back, she'll be standing in front of you while she does it and she'll have three alibis for that as well. She's an evil bitch, and her policies show her strength, and her actual experience. She has definitely been more than a "teapot" first lady. She's made quite a few mistakes in her negatively strengthened and forcefully heartwrenched campaign, but she admits to it, unlike republican hopeful MIKE HUCKABEE. The man is talkin to God on a two way radio, and getting answers. Listen, he's a decent public figure, and I respect all the things he's done as a minister though I don't personally agree with the church, but his sole appeal is to the republicans that aren't rich. And I'm sorry but I don't think that's a big enough crowd to win you the throne. Same goes for Mitt Romney. Mormons just don't add up to enough of the vote to get you the seat at the top of the hill. And Jesus fucking Christ, does this guy remind anyone else of John Kerry, he's flip flopped on so many issues I thought he had Alzeimer's and Terret's mixed together. He doesn't remember what he voted for and any time anyone asks him something he just adjusts his opinion seemingly to the first thought that pops into that thick fucking skull of his. He seems to think that the American public can't and shouldn't think for itself and hsould have no rights on any of the controversial issues, unlike RUDY GUILIANI. The only runner on the republican house who is for almost every democratic option on every issue that the partys disagree upon. He is a republican right? And talk about a one trick horse, if he mentions his 9/11 reaction one more fucking time, I'm gonna blow up a building just to see if he can repeat the feat. Now, I was there, during 9/11, in new york city. He did an amazing job, and he was there with a shovel in his hand, and did an amazing political job thereafter. But that sole fact is not a big enough stone to building your presidential campaign upon. His misdirected campaign seems to forget his excellent record on crime and education in new york, and instead tries to hide his marital issues with all the strength they have. The guy has bad luck with the ladies, so what. New York was never better than when Rudy had trouble at home, cause he spent all of his time in the office! Just like JOHN McCAIN. A former soldier, definitely inhabits a military mindset comfortably. He has truly served his country and has the experience necessary to do this office justice. However, his diplomacy leaves me wanting more. He seems to be running on a "don't fuck with my shit" platform. Isolationism just will not work in such an interconnected global community. And the guys certifiably insane. Sorry John, you're a great guy, a great military leader, but until you learn to play with others you can not be president. That's it folks, my takes on the candidates that actually have a shot at the presidency for the time being. At this point I believe this, Obama is too green and his past too unknown. Hilary may be a deceitful bitch, but she gets the job done and done right. Romney is a jester in a king's court and has no business running for an office when he's not sure what that should encompass. Guiliani could be a stronger man than he is allowing himself to be and will eventually sabotage his own campaign. He will run independent to gethimself off the republican ticket after the primaries. Huckabee is a preacher, not a president. And McCain is just plain nuts. I'd say my vote goes to either Hilary, Guiliani, or McCain. We'll have to wait and see.
Yes, I do enjoy an escape from reality from time to time. The only problem is I am a lazy son of a bitch as well. If there is a movie out, I probably won't read the book. Even if the movie blows and everyone says the book is better, I'm still gonna see the movie, it's a lot less time consuming, and I've got more shit NOT to do...
Me... And people like me. People who hate watching everything turn to shit, watching Americans give up more of their rights every single day, voluntarily, just for the illusion of safety. Listen to me folks, you will never be 100% safe. We are by far, as Americans, some of the safest people in the world. And thats fine. But people that want to be completely safe all the time are truly out of their freakin minds. You need a little danger in your life. Otherwise it's not life, it's existence. And fuck you I'm not just gonna exist, I'm living Goddammit, and I love every minute of it.