Art, painting , reading- theory/ fiction. Gallery treckin, clubs- hip hop, europhoric/heavy electronic , drum n bass etc. any generic activities - eating sleeping breathing thinking
charles darwin, karl marx , plato, and a bunch of hippies in one room
Generaly across the board A small list to start: Herbaliser, leaf label , Arcade Fire , National , Leonard Cohn , Nick Cave, any good jazz in the realms of John Coultrain. Sigor Ros, Roots Manuva, Dilated Peoples..
OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD:Fight Club , City of God, Solaris( original), any Brothers Quay, Sans Soile , wicker man
i no have tv
Reading: Society of the Spectacle - Guy Deboard and The Favorite Game - Leonard CohnHave just finished: Da Vinci Code- Dan Brown.Most important read: Myth of Sisyphus- Albert Camus, Straw Dogs - John Gray.Trying to read: Being and Nothingness - Sartre
Sisyphus, Don Quixote, Samual Beckett