%D%A %D%A aLLen MuTha FLipPiN IVERSON!!!!! omg i swear all of u that kno me well kno me n allen's history...we used to mess around but then some stuff had happened. so then we stopped and then.....wellll....i aint gotta tell yall...yall kno already!!!! LoL im juss playin!! (No iM noT) HoVa: ONly the BeSt RappeR to graB a MiC...n Im Warnin ya'LL dont put no kinda static about jay on my blurbs cuz i will be hittin u Back with a Vengance!!!! :/!!%D%A%D%AKanye Tidda!! i dunno, after that MTV diary, he stole my heart. I juss wanna have a one on one with him ya kno!GEORGE CLOONEY: the finest old guy ever!JuStiN TimBerLake cAn Come To MaH Candy ShoP ne time BrotHa !! (haha sexy b's) %D%A%D%A %D?OMING SOON!!!! GO COP IT!! %D%A%D%A**sigh**** PHaRReLL.........*sigh* x 7!!!!!
YaHWeH ELoHIm, My Mom n Dad, my Grandmother, and those who have taught me life lessons thru discipline and failure