In sports my favorite will have to be football, Why because that's just me that's what I do best.I play a little baseketball cold in that too, u can just say I'm natural born to play sports any sport but what I'm not is tha type of nigga who just sit around and watch sports all day I'd rather just play than watch I really like to get out and meet new people you know meet girl kick-it if every thing goes cool it just might go into something else, you know how that is.
Well it really don't matter if you look good and keep it real we straight
Music Slow jams is really my thang because you know how it is wit ya girl and that perfect time is when a slow jam is on it becomes all emotional and ya girl ready to do something, Yall know where I'm going wit that don't u. but if that do go down I'm known to start singing "Play another slow jam this time make it sweet, on a slow jam wit my baby baaabyyeee yea" Yall know what song I'm talking about when nothing is on your mine but making sweet luv wit your soul mate. Another song is that one by Marquis Houston "sex wit u is like" let me stop that before who ever reading this get a feeling like "When I get that feeling I need sexual healing, Sexual healing baaby" I'm about to bounce before I say somtihng else.
Something entertaining!
Something that excites me!
God, Jesus