VARSOVIE profile picture


et les jours calcinés sombrent comme des secondes

About Me

Entre rock excessif et post-punk spleenétique, Varsovie est formé en 2004 par Arnault Destal (textes / batterie / arrangements) et Grégory Cathérina (musique / chant / guitare) tous deux issus de la scène underground française. (Forbidden Site - Ex Cathedra)

Armé d..influences telles que Joy Division, Bauhaus et toute une génération de formations décadentes et décalées, en passant par des overdoses littéraires aux séquelles irréversibles et un goût prononcé pour le vertige, Varsovie se taille un répertoire à même la chair, à l..image de cette capitale qui au coeur de l..apocalypse a continué à se battre, quartier par quartier, barricade par barricade, même si tout semblait foutu d'avance.

Rejoint par Thibault Chapelat à la basse, et remplacé par Yan Four en juin 2006, le groupe prend toute sa dimension sur scène ; radicalité et effervescence ; une dernière cigarette au bord du gouffre.

La chute est la plus sûre des lois.

Paradoxical, excessive rock and post-punk, Varsovie emerged in 2004 by the creative output of Arnault Destal (lyrics/drums/arrangements) and Gregory Catherina (music/vocals/guitar), both ingrained figures of the French underground scene. (Forbidden Site)

Armed with influences such as Joy Division, Bauhaus and a generation of decadent and dark bands, journeying through a literary overdose that leaves irreversible repercussions and a pronounced taste for vertigo, Varsovie's repertoire is raw, in the image of the city (Warszawa) that, in the middle of the apocalypse, fought on, area by area, barricade by barricade, even if everything seemed to be already lost.

Joined by Thibault Chapelat on bass, and replaced by Yan Four in 2006, the band brings all of this energy and passion together on stage, radical and effervescent, in balance on the edge, the last cigarette before the long fall.

We seek alibis in disgrace.

Discography :
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for 6€ (chèque / cash)

My Interests


Member Since: 1/30/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Grégory Cathérina ¬ music / vocals /guitar
Arnault Destal ¬ lyrics / drums / arrangements
Yan Four ¬ bass

Influences: Kafka, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Drieu la Rochelle, Artaud, Maïakovsky, Essenine, Nerval, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Calaferte, Raspail, Nimier R., Francis Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald, Ernst Jünger, Apollinaire, Parker D., Nin, Nicolas Gogol, Keats, Wilde, Blake, Cohen A., Zweig, Schnitzler, Lovecraft, Blondin, Mishima, Poe...
Joy Division, Bauhaus, Crisis, And Also the Trees, Motörhead, The Ramones, Christian Death, early Noir Désir, Bashung, Slayer, Darc, The Chameleons, early Black Sabbath, Endraum, The Sound, The Fall, Magazine, Brel, Scarlet's Remains, The Sisters of Mercy, The Buzzcocks, Nick Cave, Laibach, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Television, Warsaw, 1919, the Vanishing, Minimal Compact, Theatre of Hate...
Sounds Like:

Last dates :

TORINO w/ Ghost Effect
NANCY - Soap Box Club
MÃœNSTER - Triptychon - Crimson Night Fest.
AACHEN (Aix-la-Chapelle) - AZ
BERLIN - Kulturfabik w/ Joy Disaster
BOCHUM - Zwischenfall w/ Tragic Black
LEIPZIG - Lichtwirtschaft w/ Human Toys
PRAGUE - Rock Cafe - Drop Dead Festival
PARIS - Le Klub w/ Joy Disaster
LONDON - Purple Turtle w/ Scarlet's Remains + Striplight
LYON - Bauhaus Bar w/ Villa Vortex
LYON - Péniche Loupika
REIMS - Le Fallen
PARIS - Le Klub
CHAMBERY - Place Hôtel de Ville
MARSEILLE - Le Poste à Galène w/ Cinema Strange
REIMS - Le Fallen w/ The Trespass
PARIS - Le Klub w/ The Trespass
GRENOBLE - Adaep w/ Feverish
GRENOBLE - Adaep w/ Wäks
CONDEISSIAT - Le Greni w/ Eat Your Make Up
LILLE - La Rumeur w/ Guerre Froide - Lichtgestalt
BOURGES - Saint-Pierre les Bois w/ Super Dancing...
GRENOBLE - Eve w/ Schwere Artillerie...
PARIS - Curial w/ Violet Stigmata
LYON - Clos Fleuri w/ Eat Your Make Up
GRENOBLE - Art-Scène w/ Violet Stigmata
GRENOBLE - Art Scène w/ The Sparkling Bombs

Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Video - Anarchy cover

Eveghost (ex Scarlet's Remains - USA) & Varsovie (France) playing a live Sex Pistols cover during drunk sessions in Grenoble... Varsovie feat. Eve - Anarchy Cover...after having spread anarchy in Gren...
Posted by VARSOVIE on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 11:07:00 PST

East tour - Thanks !!!

We're back in France and we would like to thank all the people who helped us to make this tour possible, all the people we've met here and there for a drink (or more)...We would like to particulary th...
Posted by VARSOVIE on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 12:26:00 PST


Interview Scare Culture juin 2006
Posted by VARSOVIE on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 12:02:00 PST

To Buy / Pour acheter Neuf Millimètres

To get our EP-cd- "Neuf Millimètres" :1 - Via PAYPAL, click on ACHETER MAINTENANT on our profile.2 - Par chèque ou cash via en envoyant un mail à l'adresse indiquée dans c...
Posted by VARSOVIE on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 03:38:00 PST