Operation Atelopus profile picture

Operation Atelopus

DIY documentaries for Neotropical conservation

About Me

This is a series of documentary-style films shot in Northern South America. It deals with the decimation of a genera of Neotropical toad, Atelopus. The first of the series is called Operation Ecuadorian Atelopus and films the decline of one of the last two (of some perhaps 40 species) in Ecuador. The film documents that natural history of these beautiful toads, the causes of declines, and possible work we can be doing to save the remaining species. It also features original endemic-style musical scores and outtakes. The film is around 37 minutes in length and is available on DVD by contacting us. The next series of this will be shot in late Feb of 2006 in Peru, Colombia, and Panama-- possibly others.We are actively seeking financial backing in the form of grants, equipment donation, etc-- so if you or someone you know could help us out, please contact us for more information.

My Interests

Neotropical amphibian conservation, especially via grassroots and DIY style angles.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with an interest in biodiversity, DIY, independent music/media, Eddie Izzard, or those people who are following their passions.


The people behind OA support independent music both in our personal lives as well as in our films. You guys rock.Justin is also pretty partial to the fine folks of Circle Takes the Square, and a lot of other fine bands.


Operation Ecuadorian Atelopus


We salute anyone following their passions in a creative way.

My Blog

New website

Check out the new site (which I think is rocking): www.atelopus.org It's just the template for now, but much more will be added. Also!!!! DVDs will be available hopefully next week for Operatio...
Posted by Operation Atelopus on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 09:30:00 PST

Hey guys!

I just started this myspace page to try to get the work out more about some of our filming projects. I have a new website that will be up very shortly as well www.atelopus.org where you can soon see ...
Posted by Operation Atelopus on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 06:42:00 PST