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Matt Lappin

Friends applaud, the comedy is over

About Me

I'm a sidewinding, free floating, slap happy, flim flam, with a chip on my shoulder and a delicious spinach dip on the other. I'm a straight talker, a crooked thinker, and a kindred spirit. I don't belong to any clubs, guilds, sewing circles, book clubs, or family councils.
I don't send many greeting cards, I think pharmaceutical companies are one of the greatest evils on earth, and I don't believe you can change a world from behind a computer. I fear and marvel at the youth, try to listen carefully to the elderly, and desperately want to tell at least one person in every room to shut the fuck up.
I don't think I will ever eat enough cheese, I don't think I will ever stop thinking farts or people falling down are funny, and I think 2 girls and 1 cup is fake. No one shits like that. I hope beyond hope that this next election changes this countries course, and I once just once, I wanna see Rupert Murdoch in Fallujah wearing a "Allah is Gay" tee shirt.
I love my family, my girlfriend, and my apartment. I'm so lucky, and often don't know it. Sometimes I just wanna take care of chimps for a living. (Quick update as of January 5th: I am not as lucky as I thought, but still luckier than others. I no longer want to take care of chimps either. I'd like them to take care of me.)

My Interests

Writing, Playing Music, Keeping reality at a distance, laughing, grilling meats in the sunshine, playing candy land with sushi, seeing souls in people's eyes, and turning the music up louder than the voices in my head on occasion

I'd like to meet:

People with space ships. Stephen Hawking says we are gonna need to get off this planet. Just being practical.


Beatles, Radiohead, The Kinks, Elliot Smith, The Roots, Biggie, Chemical Brothers, Oasis, Tom Waits, Matthew Sweet, Harry Nillson, The Libertines, Iggy Pop, John Lennon, Soundgarden, The Beta Band, Mr. Bungle, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, NIN, Led Zeppelin, Coldplay, Beck, Delano Grove, Egon Strangler, Rage Against the Machine


Goodfellas, The Big Lebowski, Contact, The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Taxi Driver, A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, Monty Python and The Life of Brian, Time Bandits, The Fisher King, Brazil, Popeye, Batman, Jacob's Ladder, Young Frankenstein, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Miller's Crossing, Total Recall, The Running Man


The Colbert Report, Strangers with Candy, the Daily Show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Chapelle Show, Mr Show, South Park. Also, 24hr News (non-fuckin stop), BBC, PBS, Conan OBrien, but mostly TV programming is fuckin horrendous


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Catcher in the Rye, anything Joseph Campbell, anything Carl Sagan, Slaughterhouse 5, and I like reading bathroom walls.


John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Lenny Bruce, My parents, Thomas Jefferson, Bill Hicks, Ghandi, and Jesus if the Book of Thomas is right

My Blog


THE TRACKLISTING FOR BLUES LEGEND GORDON FLOON'S NEW ALBUM'S BEEN LEAKED!BEYOND THE BLUES 1. Street sweeper killed my puppy 2. Momma's head 3. Pants (far from clean)4. You got AIDS jack!5. Man, I need...
Posted by Matt Lappin on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:29:00 PST

We should teach fetuses to talk

Hey, I have an awesome idea. Let's teach fetuses how to talk! I don't think it would be too hard. All we have to do is install a small speaker inside said woman's womb, and then put one of those ins...
Posted by Matt Lappin on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 01:42:00 PST

Absolutely nothing to say

Hi, I have absolutely nothing to say. Just another fuckin day. Yeah a new year. Congratulations, you wanna medal father time. Do you want a fuckin medal pussy!? I didn't think so! I came to...
Posted by Matt Lappin on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 06:47:00 PST

Can't sleep

Fuckity shitzles. It's 4 damn AM and I still cant get my ass to sleep. Lots of voices going on in my head. Most of them sound like me. One of them told me an idea that I found amusing enough to ...
Posted by Matt Lappin on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 01:15:00 PST