good party music, tennis, documentaries
beach house, R&B, alternative, The Killers!
The 40 Year Old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, Wicker Park, Battle Royale, Trainspotting, Kill Bill, City of God, Old School, The Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Infernal Affairs, The Crime of Padre Amaro, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Last Samurai, School of Rock, Meet the Parents, Austin Powers, Interstella 5555, Seven, Groove, Identity, The Real Cancun, Phone Booth, One Hour Photo
Entourage, Lost, Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck, House, 24, Survivor, Laguna Beach, Smallville, The Office
tuesdays with morrie, 5 people you meet in heaven
Tony Soprano, Quentin Tarantino, Tyler Durden