things i love: making cakes with pookster. Camellia Grill. kettle corn. dirty martinis. and sushi. clean white sheets. watching discover channel OnDemand. frosted mugs. cooking thai food. sporting events. trying new ben and jerry's flavors. playing in the snow. $1 Tuesdays at 31 flavors. sarcasm. jumping in mud puddles. rolling in the sand. dressing up. dressing down. lists. ladies. red fingernails. dimly lit rooms. hotel pools. making out. buying things i can't afford. and high heels and sportcoats. being inappropriate occasionally. being wreckless ALWAYS. . .
Anybody who likes to rock out with their cock out.
On my playlist: Razorlight, Paloalto, Jet By DAy, Jack's Mannequin, PANIC! at the DIsco, The Hourly Radio, Eisley, We Are Scientists, DEath Cab, Stellastarr, Spoon, Slowdive, The New Pornographers, Idlewild, Jedi MInd Tricks, Devotchka, The Stills, The Shins, JEW, Scissor Sisters, Muse, The Fire Theft, Fallout Boy, Keane, The Killers, Snow Patrol, Coheed, Longwave, The Mayflies USA, The Powders etc.
Muppet Christmas Carol
CSI:Miami. gotta love that Eric Delco. Good Eats, gotta love Alton BRown.
Say Cheese and Die, The Night of the Living DUmmy, Choose Your Own Adventure
Hands down, Doug Funny as Quail Man, although Alex Pucci is a close second