I make beats.Here's a visual example..."I'm not on here to add a bunch of random people and advertise my music.
Of course I want to share my music with everybody, but I'm also interested in talking with people, meeting those of like-mind, and getting feedback. Don't get butt hurt if I don't accept your comment. Most of you bastards just want to post promos of your shit and it does me no good. I keep busy enough with my own fam, so I'm not trying to sell beats or studio time."Taken from Eddie S's page (The Society of the Invisibles)
My Interests
Member Since: 1/29/2006
Band Website: iggychop.com
Band Members: MPC2500, Vinyl Plates and Pabst Blue Ribbon
Influences: Neck Muscles
Sounds Like: A newborn baby being stabbed with a rusty butterknife
Type of Label: Indie