LIFTING WEIGHTS AND GETTING SWOLE! Drinking Some Heinys With Wes and Tito! Everything Outdoors, HOT RODS!!!, Camping, Fishing, BMX, Ice skating, Cruzing, Drag races (NHRA), Hanging With Friends, B S N!, Working With My Hands, Jet Skieing, Wake Boarding, Theam Parks, Vacations, GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, Playing Drums, Watching Movies, O Yah Did I Mention HOT RODDING!! lol!
Anyone Cool! An honest girl that wants a true man! friends and family, AND HOT ROD LOVERS!
Everything,Pantara, Killswitch, Lamb Of God, Atreyu, Hawthorne Heights, Metallica, MXPX, AFI, Green Day, Johnny Cash, The Off Spring, New Found Glory, Simon Says, Yellow Card, Nickle Back, System Of The Down, Lit, Creed, Disturbed, Papa Roach, Ramstein, Seven Dust, RHCP, P.O.D, Crossfade, Live, Limp Biscuite, Blink 182, outcast, Rick James, Kenney Chesney, Toby Keath, Travis Trit, ...... AND THE LIST GOES ON! I made this playlist at .
Check out this MySpace MP3 Player !
All The Classics And Anything Funny, MIB, leathel Weapon, Naked Gun, Anchor Man, Best Of Sat Night Live, Ninja Turtles, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Full Metal Jacket, 40 Yr. Old Virgin, Anything With Will Farell! Disney Movies yah!, The Terminator, I Like Them All!
ESPN, MTV, I Really Dont Watch TV.
National Geographic j.k., Goose Bumps lol, R.L. Stein, Clymer manuals, engiine build manuals, wiring diagrams, STREET RODDER MAG.!!!, and whatever else makes me sleepy b 4 bed lol.
#035#1 Josh R. Farler R.I.P., My Father Ronald, Mother Kathey, Sister Amanda, Step dad joe, Step Sista Allison, Brenton Espinoza, Josh Fulstone, Homberto Carona, Wesley Tomas, Shane Mcfall, Micheal Soukup, Jeff Bednark, Micheal Drennon, Drew Malarcheck, Hido Alcocer, Greg Chico, Brian Smith, and the rest of my friends and family.