Dennis profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I work full time drilling for gold and precious metals. I'm a workaholic and spend between 14 to 16 hours a day at my job. I picked up a house in forclosure in June of o5 and have been remodeling it ever since so when I'm not at work I'm working on my house. Now that the market is crap Im having a hard time selling the place!! I'm big into lifted trucks and fast cars. Just about the norm for your average dude. I like to travel and spend time whith my bro. We have gone all over the place drinking and having a good time. Miami Beach Florida kicks some major ass. My friend Gordy and I are trying to go to all the baseball stadiums in the U.S. BIG A's fan. I seem to make everyone laugh all the time. I have a very perverted sense of humor. Spent some time in New York and Boston to see a few baseball games of the A's, (CRAZY CITYS) Lots of fun.

My Interests

Four wheelin, terrin shit up with my Hummer, fly fishin, honest people, party time in Vegas, snowboarding, snowmobilling, bunjee jumping, spicy food, hangin out with my bro and all my friends. I like to crack jokes and make everyone I meet laugh. I love Vegas. Can't live there but I love to visit. A's baseball and going to as many games as possible. I like to travel and I'm always on the go

I'd like to meet:

I'd like hang out with Rodney Carington. He is funny as hell. Jim Carry would be a kick in the ass too.


My ipod had a butt load!!!


Dumb and Dumber, any thing with Jim Carry. Outsiders- "stay golden ponyboy, stay golden" Varsity Blues. Blade, Hostel, Saw, any thing action.


No time


I dont have any heros but I do admire people for making changes in their life for their sake. My frind Pete is about to become a Dr. and I think that is a great thing. He might save my life some day. My bro is finishing up college and then he will be in the advertisement bis. Lots of money and opertunity to travel all over the world wich life is all about. My cousin Brian for working his ass off for years and years and finally owning his own bis. and seeing the fruits of his labor. Any one who is willing to put in the time and not complain is someone I admire and respect. Bitching and moaning wont get you far!!

My Blog


right now i am trying to figure the damn computer out I will get pictures of my cheezy ass on here I will I will.  Right now just thinking about how to finish the Kick Ass bar in my new...
Posted by Dennis on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 08:53:00 PST