*kimmy* profile picture


aw gaaaawwwd...

About Me

kimmy. kim. bina. mama. tia/tita/nina bina. sister. daughter. couster. wsp'er. pinay. community soldja. keeper of peace. eater of all foods. hailing from west co. left my heart in frisco. all around fun gal. treat me to a good meal and i'll be your friend for life.....

My Interests

Support the online protest of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's declaration of a "state of emergency" in the Philippines. She is effectively returning the Philippines back to the dark days of Martial Law under Marcos--warrantless arrests, media censorship, outlawing peaceful protest--all in an attempt to keep her loosening grip on power. Upload the above image as your default photo for your profile in a show of solidarity until she is ousted through people power. To post this message to your friends' pages, copy the HTML from the BAYAN USA "OUST GMA" Online Action Page . Spread the word!!!For news updates, visit bayanusa.org , bulatlat.com , and indymedia .

I'd like to meet:

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To help spread the word, visit the Stop the Killings Benefit Show website to put this message in your MySpace comments and bulletins

Saturday, February 17, 2007
7:30pm @ SOMArts (934 Brannan St., SF, CA 94103)
All Ages - $10 (Proceeds go to KARAPATAN )

Performances by:

Blue Scholars
Kiwi (of Native Guns )
Echo of Bullets
Golda Supernova
Power Struggle
Praxis Rocks

The Movement Show
Kapatid X

Art by:

Speaker Fruits

ACT NOW!!! Sign the online petition .

Did you know that 825+ people have been killed in the Philippines since 2001? Regular people...students, teachers, lawyers, workers, journalists, clergy, human rights workers, etc. Witnesses have pointed to elements of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in carrying out these killings. Yet not one person has been tried or convicted for any of these deaths. President Arroyo's government has done nothing to stop to these atrocities.

For us living in the U.S.A. it's a little sticky. The U.S. government has been providing excessive amounts of military assistance to the Philippine government. Reports from the Library of US Congress state that the total U.S. military assistance to the Philippines rose from $38 million in 2001 to $114 million in 2003 and a projected $164 million in 2005. That's our tax dollars potentially subsidizing death squads of the Philippine military at the cost of the Filipino people.

Come out to the show to learn a bit more about the issue and find out how you can get involved.