Texas Hold'um and other various forms of gambling, TV, Movies, hanging out, sleeping, relaxing, playing board games (that makes me sound lame), competitive drinking games
I usually just listen to whatever is on the Mix, but I also like country
I'm a HUGE HUGE movie fan, and there are waaaaay too many favorite movies to list, but here is my top 5... 5) While You Were Sleeping (don't laugh) 4) Shrek and Shrek 2 3) Casablanca (Hence my dog Bogart) 2) Gone with the Wind 1) Singin' in the RainHowever, I am a huge movie fan in general, and will pretty much see anything
Grey's Anatomy - Season 1
MySpace Movie Lists at MySpace Toolbox !Grey's Anatomy! ER, Dancing with the Stars, Desperate Housewives, Law and Order SVU, any CSI
My sister-in-law Kristin. Seriously, she is one of the strongest and most amazing people in the entire world, and I'm lucky to have her around :)