Mike Tyson, seems like a guy who knows how to have fun.
Destiny by Ronald Rucker *** Paperback Price: $7.95 *** Availability: Usually ships within 1 week. Editorial Reviews Book Description The story of Charles and how he became a hero while serving in the US Navy. When faced with the truest test of courage, Charles makes the only decision an honorable man can make. In Beirut, Charles and his team of Peacekeepers are sent to thwart a Shiite Moslem terrorist’s plot of attaching a prototype nuclear warhead to the hull of the battleship New Jersey. Customer Reviews Submit online reviews to: Thanks for your feedback. Product Details Paperback: 231 pages Publisher: Waltsan Publishing, LLC Language: English ISBN: 1933061006 *** Send*** Name, Address, Apt., City, State, Zip. *** Destiny (per copy) $7.95 +Shipping $2.95 *** • Check or M.O. to : ***Destiny, 9508 North Shore Tr., Forest Lake, MN. 55025